4.2. The development of housing-related parental support in numbers

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Intergenerational support in housing is very diverse and due to the lack of research on the phenomenon, empirical evidence about the subject is rather scarce. Most studies undertaken in the field sought to offer snapshots of the history of parental support or concentrated on one type of parental support, while only a few examined several types of housing-related parental support in a time frame wider than one or two decades.

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In the following, earlier empirical findings are collected from these diverse data sources and arranged so as to provide the most complete overview possible of the most frequently granted forms of intergenerational support in the past decades. Since in Hungary labour support provided in the self-building, renovation or conversion of housing is generally considered an important form of family support (Hegedus and Tosics 1993, Vigvári and Gagyi 2018), it is also examined alongside the two types of parental support discussed in the literature focusing on high-income countries and presented in Chapter 3. That is, the present chapter provides and overview about the development of labour support in construction, intergenerational co-residence and financial support.
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