Bérces Katalin Balogné

The Structure of English

Information packaging

In Ch. 7.1 we saw how simple sentences are usually structured, that is, what the most frequent, “unmarked” clause structures are. Then, in Ch. 8.1 and 9.1 we introduced the most frequent types of complex sentences. This chapter deals with a set of special configurations, some of which are clause-level variations (i.e., any single clause can contain them), some involve at least two clauses and are therefore always complex or compound-complex. What they have in common is that they function to help the speaker/writer express their message in communication in different ways depending on how they wish to present (or “package”) the information, what they wish to emphasise, etc. Notice, for example, that passive voice fulfils exactly that function in most cases: You ate six donuts can be paraphrased as Six donuts were eaten to ignore the “agent”, the “doer” of the action of eating; alternatively, it can be amended with by you, as in the example, with the opposite effect: to emphasise the agent. We discuss the passive construction in detail below.

The Structure of English


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 234 6

This book is an introduction to English grammar, giving a systematic overview of the morphological and syntactic structures which comprise this language.

The content covered within the book is designed to closely reflect that of two academic courses at PPCU; in English Studies as well as in the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL). These are English Grammar and English Syntax for Teachers respectively. It is therefore intended as a guide for students to supplement their classes and deepen their knowledge in these areas. Accordingly, each chapter includes a list of further reading, as well as a set of practice exercises for revision of the materials presented.

Across the chapters, there a comprehensive introduction to the many morpho-syntactic structures which characterise English grammar, with outlines of relevant theories and practices for the teaching of these structures.

In this way, the book effectively synthesises frameworks for both the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/balogne-berces-the-structure-of-english//

