Péter Gáspár, Zoltán Szabó, József Bokor

Discrete Feedback Systems 1.

Classical Control

Ideal Reconstruction

The question arises if and under which conditions the continuous signal can be recovered from the sampled signal. The above consideration revealed that the spectrum Xs(jω) of the sampled signal contains the unaltered spectrum of the continuous signal X(jω) if ωM<ωs2. Hence, the continuous signal can be reconstructed from the sampled signal by extracting the spectrum of the continuous signal from the spectrum of the sampled signal. This can be done by applying an ideal low-pass with cut-off frequency ωc=ωs2 with a scaling factor equal to T.

Discrete Feedback Systems 1.


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2019

ISBN: 978 963 454 372 5

The aim of the book is to provide a well-rounded exposure to analysis, control and simulation of discrete-time systems. Theoretical techniques for studying discrete-time linear systems with particular emphasis on the properties and design of sampled data feedback control systems are introduced. This book is intended to be used as a textbook in our MSc and PhD courses. We have tried to balance the broadness and the depth of the material covered in the book. The interested reader is also sent to consult the publications of the references list.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/gaspar-szabo-bokor-discrete-feedback-systems-1//

