Judit Kiss, Veronika Suhajdáné Urbán, Hargita Hegyesi

Applied Biology

Connective tissue proper

In loose connective tissue fibers and cells are loosely arranged. Extracellular matrix contains all three fiber types. Many cell types can be present, and they can be divided into two groups: resident and immigrant cells. Fibroblasts, fibrocytes and adipocytes are resident cells. Immigrant cells may include all of the formed cellular elements of blood, except red blood cells, and more of them can immigrate from the circulation in case of inflammation, to combat microorganisms and repair the damaged tissue. In addition to the tissue’s role in immune defense, ground substance of loose connective tissue allows the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients, as well as carbon dioxide and metabolic waste, so that nutrition of the neighboring epithelial layers lacking a vasculature of their own is provided.

Applied Biology


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2020

ISBN: 978 963 454 526 2

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/hegyesi-kiss-suhajdane-applied-biology//

