Appendix D: The English Translation of the Learners’ Interview Guide

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!


Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • How is your semester going? Do you have a really fun / entertaining / useful subject this semester? Is there a subject that is very difficult to cope with? Are you working on any essays, projects at the moment?
  • How about free time activities, do you have any Netflix or YouTube recommendations?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

About the research project:

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

The aim of this interview is to get to know your general ideas about using technology in our everyday lives as well as in your learning and teaching practices. The focus is on you and your ideas, it is very important that the interview is not a test, and there aren’t any ideal answers. I’m interested in everything you can tell me, and I don’t expect any answers. I’m really looking forward to hearing all your ideas about technology. I’d like to remind you that you are an anonymous participant in the study, but I would like to record our interview so that I can transcribe it later. Do you still consent to being recorded?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

About the participant

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • How old are you?
  • Where do you study? What do you study?
    • When did you start this programme?
    • Do you have another major / a minor / specialisation?
  • Did you use to study anything else before this? Are you studying anything else in parallel with this?
  • Have you ever studied ICT professionally (e.g., technical school, for ECDL exams, university)?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Part 1: Technology in general

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • How far would you agree with the statement that technology has become integrated into all walks of our lives?
    • How far is this advantageous?
    • How far is this disadvantageous?
  • What are some digital devices you use daily?
    • How do you use them / what do you use them for?
  • How would you describe your level of technological knowledge?
    • What do you typically do with digital devices? Do you / how do you use them for creating content / sharing files / searching for information / booking or ordering things / recreation?
  • Would you tell me an example when technology helped you out in a difficult situation?
    • E.g., online maps or navigation, online booking systems, shopping, etc.
  • And would you tell me an example when technology made it impossible for you to achieve something / take care of something?
    • E.g., lack of internet connection prevented you from doing something, Neptun issues, systems were down, etc.

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Part 2.1: Technology in studying

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • Did you learn about technology / ICT in secondary school? How was your experience with your ICT classes?
    • To what extent were they up to date? To what extent did they prepare you for university life / university’s technological expectations? How would you reform any of the content of these classes?
  • What / which technological devices / websites / programmes / applications are used for learning purposes?
    • How do you use them?
    • Why do you use them?
    • Have you had positive / negative experiences with them?
  • What / which devices do you use specifically for learning purposes? How? Why?
    • [BA students]: E.g., learning vocabulary, learning management systems, resources.
    • [MA / EFL]: What / which devices / websites do you use for research purposes? How? Why?
    • [EFL]: What devices / websites do you use for developing your pedagogical knowledge? How? Why?
      1. E.g., teaching videos, interviews or TedTalks of educators, etc.
  • Have you ever had a university class where the teacher used technology skilfully? Tell me about this experience.
    • What was used? How? Was it explicit or implicit? What did you learn / how did you develop as a result?
  • Have you ever had a university class where you were expected to use technology? Tell me about this experience.
    • What had to be used (e.g., for presentations, learning vocabulary, practising something online)? How?
    • Were you taught / shown how to use the technology in question? Did you need any help with it? Who helped you / did you help anyone?
  • Have you ever had a university class that explicitly aimed at developing your technological skills? Tell me about this experience.
    • What did you learn? How did you develop as a result?
    • How were you taught to use technology? Was it more lecture-like, or was it more like hands-on training?
    • How did (if they did) your teacher make sure that you are really going to use this knowledge in the long term?
    • Would you / how would you update the course content? Was there too little / too much of something?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Part 2.2: Covid-19 and studying

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • How did Covid-19 affect people’s attitudes towards technology?
    • How did it change yours?
    • How did it change your teachers’?
    • What was your experience like with online / hybrid education?
      • How did technology help?
      • How was technology present?
      • How much did technology pose a burden (for you / for your teachers)?
      • Did you help your friends, teachers? How?
    • Do you think there will be some long-term positive consequences of Covid-19 regarding technology use in education?
      • What do you think will change?
      • What do you think will go back to the way it was before? Is it good/bad?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Part 3: Technology for language learning purposes

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • How do you use technology for language learning purposes? What do you use and why?
    • How has technology really contributed to a more successful learning process?
    • Why is it / was it worth the extra effort?
  • Would you tell me some specific stories when technology helped you learn something effectively?
    • E.g., when studying for an exam?
  • Would you tell me some specific stories of language development classes when you used (in or out of class) technology to learn new vocabulary / develop in writing, etc. skills?
    • What did you have to use? How?
      • E.g., online dictionaries, spellchecks, etc.
  • How far would you say that these have become part of your language learning repertoire?
    • Do you still use them / why don’t you?

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Part 4: Technology in (future) teaching practices

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • What kind(s) of teaching experience do you have? Do you use technology in teaching your students?
    • Why?
    • What motivates you to do so?
    • Do you have any pedagogical reasons to do so?
    • How?
      • How do you start? Do you design or adapt?
      • How do you prepare?
      • How do you make sure your learners see the point?
      • How do you make sure your learners have access to the digital content you use?
    • What do you use?
      • Would you tell me some anecdotes / about some lessons that were memorable?
      • When something went better / worse than expected? Why?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with me about technology, applications, websites, devices, and their use in learning and teaching we haven’t talked about?
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