Bérces Katalin Balogné

The Structure of English

Extension: Complementisers

Ch. 3.1 above discussed the subcategories of conjunctions, and said that within the traditional dichotomy of coordinating vs. subordinating conjunctions, it is worth highlighting a subtype of subordinating conjunctions called complementisers, which introduce clauses that function as complements to heads (typically as objects of transitive verbs). That justifies the name: complementisers produce complements. Besides object clauses to verbs (e.g., I know that I should feed the cat), complementisers also introduce clauses that are complements to adjectives (e.g., I’m not sure whether I should feed the cat), nouns (e.g., The fact that I should feed the cat frightens me) and prepositions (e.g., I’m thinking about whether I should feed the cat). In fact, sometimes they introduce clauses with other, non-complement functions: subject clauses (e.g., Whether I should feed the cat is a thorny issue) or relative clauses (i.e., nominal adjunct clauses; e.g., the cat that I should feed). In all these cases, however, the complementiser is crucially needed to establish the role of the clause; even when that is omissible (e.g., I know I should feed the cat or the cat I should feed), it is understood, it is part of the interpretation of the clause, so we can suppose that it is covertly present.

The Structure of English


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 234 6

This book is an introduction to English grammar, giving a systematic overview of the morphological and syntactic structures which comprise this language.

The content covered within the book is designed to closely reflect that of two academic courses at PPCU; in English Studies as well as in the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL). These are English Grammar and English Syntax for Teachers respectively. It is therefore intended as a guide for students to supplement their classes and deepen their knowledge in these areas. Accordingly, each chapter includes a list of further reading, as well as a set of practice exercises for revision of the materials presented.

Across the chapters, there a comprehensive introduction to the many morpho-syntactic structures which characterise English grammar, with outlines of relevant theories and practices for the teaching of these structures.

In this way, the book effectively synthesises frameworks for both the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/balogne-berces-the-structure-of-english//

