Bérces Katalin Balogné

The Structure of English

Extension: Determiners in complex NPs

Determiners were introduced and discussed in Ch. 2.1 and 3.1, where we saw that this “supercategory” subsumes articles (definite and indefinite), demonstratives (proximal and distal; cf. demonstrative pronouns – Ch. 3.1), possessives (sometimes called possessive adjectives; cf. possessive pronouns – Ch. 3.1), all sorts of quantifiers (e.g., all, both, every, each, some/any, etc.), wh- words (what, which) and numerals (cardinals, ordinals, fractions). Here we add a minor subgroup, that of multipliers (e.g., double, twice) as they also appear at the left edge of NPs like double the amount or twice the rate of inflation; however, they always combine with other determiners in the NP (which is, in fact, also true of ordinals and fractions, cf. the first time, half an hour) – an option we have not considered.

The Structure of English


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 234 6

This book is an introduction to English grammar, giving a systematic overview of the morphological and syntactic structures which comprise this language.

The content covered within the book is designed to closely reflect that of two academic courses at PPCU; in English Studies as well as in the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL). These are English Grammar and English Syntax for Teachers respectively. It is therefore intended as a guide for students to supplement their classes and deepen their knowledge in these areas. Accordingly, each chapter includes a list of further reading, as well as a set of practice exercises for revision of the materials presented.

Across the chapters, there a comprehensive introduction to the many morpho-syntactic structures which characterise English grammar, with outlines of relevant theories and practices for the teaching of these structures.

In this way, the book effectively synthesises frameworks for both the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/balogne-berces-the-structure-of-english//

