János Tóth, Domokos Esztergár-Kiss

Smart City


The city of Stuttgart, Germany, is using social media to inform citizens about strategic projects and activities in the field of traffic and urban mobility. This is mainly being done through communications about its updated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the promotion of the Jobticket (public transport ticket), and specific improvements in the mobility for pedestrians and cyclists. Since 2013 citizens have also been able to submit concrete proposals and suggestion on all issues related to the municipality related to mobility and traffic. ‎[30]

Smart City


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2019

ISBN: 978 963 454 271 1

This course material is included in the BME Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering Master programme. The main topics of Smart City course are the followings: Paradigm shift in urban citizen’s life, Smart city introduction, definitions and evaluation methods, Land use functions and models, city planning and strategic aspects, Utilization possibilities of information from social media, Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks and Smart Grid applications, Intermodal connections with their functionalities in the Smart City, Smart solutions in transportation management, Hungarian and international best practices.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/toth-esztergar-kiss-smart-city//

