János Vad, Eszter Lukács

Fluid Mechanics Measurements

Principle and layout

The basic layout is illustrated in Figure 7.9 and Figure 7.10. Measurement capacitors (condensers) are located at well-defined points of the flow path, having a characteristic distance of d along the flow, labelled as A and B in Figure 7.9. The transporting fluid – including the solid particles – and the two cylindrical plates of each capacitor form together a resultant capacitance, being modulated by the particles passing the capacitor. A measurement condenser (either A or B) is sketched in Figure 7.10. By control, the capacitors are charged e.g. by a constant charge. As a result, the capacitor voltage uA between the capacitor plates will be modulated as the particle multitude passes the capacitor plates.

Fluid Mechanics Measurements


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2020

ISBN: 978 963 454 484 5

This lecture note aims at providing basic information on nowadays applied fluid flow measurement techniques, in terms of their operating principle, layouts, application areas, advantages, and limitations. As such, it intends to give an aid in decision-making when selecting instrumentation for the solution of various practical flow measurement problems, also providing hints for the actual realisation of the measurements.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/vad-lukacs-fluid-mechanics-measurements//

