Péter Ákos Bod

Institutions of Economic Policy

A Comparative Analysis

Monetary regimes: tough choices, lasting consequences

Economies above a certain threshold of economic advancement are, as a rule, monetised: they have a significant monetary depth, measured by the relative size of bank deposits, and the ownership of shares and bonds, or other financial products. In a highly monetised society, firms grow not only by investing their retained profits but by borrowing from banks (project finance), or issuing bonds, or going public and issuing shares. These business behaviours are regarded as rather recent in some countries where, in the early phases of development, capital stock was gradually built through self-financing. Similarly, previously people bought cars and other high value items when enough money had been saved, whereas now it is common practice to apply for car finance loans, get the cars, and repay the loans long after these events took place. Thus, monetary deepening is a rather natural process that implies behavioural changes: people and businesses open bank accounts, invest their temporary excess liquidity in financial assets, and borrow for their businesses to grow or to smooth personal consumption paths, and so on. Several indicators can measure monetary depth in countries: the number of banks, the size of their assets, the capitalisation of stocks in burses, the share of the financial assets of all assets, or the ratio of the stock of all financial assets in a country against the national income.

Institutions of Economic Policy


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2020

ISBN: 978 963 059 970 2

The reader is introduced to the purpose, structure, and organizational features of the most important institutions of market economy, such as the Treasury (Ministry of Finance), central (national) bank, bodies responsible for structural changes, supervision of competition, and regulators of strategic industries. The focus of the book is on open trade dependent states, with particular emphasis new member states of the European Union where the institutional order has been shaped by legacies of previous era as well as by policy transfer and policy advice through membership in EU, OECD, IMF and other international institutions. The bulk of the book deals with the comprehensive analysis of institutions of fiscal, monetary, competition, social, spatial policies, and with the emerging trends of new practices.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/bod-institutions-of-economic-policy//

