4.1. Family support in Hungarian housing studies

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In the Hungarian literature on housing-related family support, empirical studies are rarely embedded in theories of housing processes. Publications in the subject are overwhelmingly empirical, discuss only one type of family support, or examine the phenomenon in the framework of youth studies or the sociology of the intergenerational transfer of status (Sik, 1988; Hegedüs, 1992; Székely, 2002, 2018; Medgyesi, 2007; Medgyesi and Nagy, 2014; Dóra, 2018; Balogi and Kőszeghy, 2019).

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In turn, in Hungarian housing studies, the issue of familialism has received relatively meagre attention. In the few works family support is touched upon, two contrasting approaches can be identified regarding the processes affecting familialism. One group of authors adopting a transition-focused theoretical stance, introduced in detail in Section 2.2.3, assume a negative relationship between familialism and commodification similarly to political economists such as Streeck (2009) (Csizmady, Hegedüs and Vonnák, 2019). In turn, the other group of authors assumes that commodification, appearing in the form of financialisation today, reinforces familialism in line with empirical findings from core countries as demonstrated in Chapter 3 (Gagyi et al., 2019). In the absence of long-run data about family support, neither of the two approaches is underpinned by substantial empirical evidence.

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However, the problem runs deeper than the lack of empirical evidence. The two groups of authors even interpret change in the Hungarian housing system in the past four decades differently: the financialisation approach suggests that the process of commodification has been shaping housing since the 1970s while the transition approach interprets the same period as a series of faltering efforts towards commodification until today. In the following, the two theoretical stances are presented in detail with a special emphasis on their position regarding family support.
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