4.3.1. Labour support in housing construction

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Studies exploring the causality between socio-economic characteristics of parents and their adult children, and the provision of construction support have not been found. However, data from time use surveys aggregated by socio-economic indicators by Farkas and Székely (2001, p. 33) can provide valuable information about factors influencing the provision of support. Based on data from the 1999/2000 time use survey, the authors found that construction support is most common among parents living in villages while it is uncommon in Budapest and county seats.

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It is surprising that according to these data, there does not seem to be a relationship between educational attainment and construction support. It is not only people with vocational education who tend to provide construction support in a higher proportion, but also those with a college degree. In addition, university graduates are not far below the average either. The equal share of the unemployed and active earners among support-providing parents also testify to the low significance of socio-economic status. The high share of older people, people with adult children and pensioners among supporting parents is obvious as there is a lower proportion of people in the younger generation who have children that could make use of labour support in housing construction.
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