The Components of Global Competence

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The participants of the survey were shown the same definition of global competence as the interviewees, i.e.,

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According to my definition, global competence comprises the knowledge, skills and attitudes which enable students to succeed in the 21st-century labour market and empower them to live as democratic, active, conscious, and globally aware citizens. For the latter, the literature uses the term global citizen.

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Then, they were asked to list two to four components of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they think one needs to become globally competent. Using content analysis, some emerging themes were found in the participants’ answers. Table O1 (in Appendix O) presents the results of the content analysis and compares what the tutors said with the components proposed by OECD (2018). To allow for easier comparison, similar components in the OECD classification and the tutors’ answers were placed next to each other. The number of participants who listed each component can be found in brackets.

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As reported in Table O1, the tutors have a relatively good understanding of global competence development, and most of the components they mentioned correspond to the ones proposed by OECD. However, looking at the number of participants who mentioned each component, there are observably some elements that are less accentuated in the answers, meaning that fewer participants understood them as important components of GC. For instance, even though in connection with the knowledge component approximately one-fourth of the tutors (n = 8) mentioned knowledge of global issues, only two participants referred to having knowledge about sustainable development. Also, the intercultural knowledge and knowledge about socio-economic development and interdependence components were barely present in the participants’ answers. Nevertheless, they proposed two new elements which were not present in the OECD classification, but they can be useful new additions to the framework and coming from EFL teacher trainers, it is hardly surprising that many of them included language knowledge and self-knowledge in their lists.

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Regarding the skills, as it can be seen in Table O1, the tutors highlighted the importance of critical thinking and communication, but many of them failed to go deeper and allude to the importance of reasoning with information (doing research and backing up what they are saying using information from reliable sources). Only three participants mentioned perspective-taking, which is an essential skill to have effective discussions with people from diverse backgrounds. Conflict management was also only mentioned twice, even though some others also touched upon this skill. Further skills proposed by the participants included reflexivity and creativity. For the question about attitudes and values, most of the respondents included openness in their answers. Respect and global mindedness were not uttered in the answers though, so it may be worth raising awareness of these attitudes so that teachers think about them as attitudes to be developed. It is important to note here that four participants highlighted the desire to stay informed as a general attitude, which would also be a valuable addition to this framework.

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The participants were also asked to rate on a 5-point Likert scale to what extent they thought they had the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values they enumerated, i.e., to what extent they regard themselves as global citizens. The participants mostly regarded themselves as global citizens (M = 4.35; SD = .65), with 47.1% of the participants (n = 16) saying that the characteristics listed were quite true for them, 44.1% (n = 15) saying they were absolutely true for them, and 8.8% (n = 3) saying that they were partly true for them.
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