Rita Divéki

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom

Results of the Interview Study The Characteristics of Teaching First-Year Language Development Classes. As a warm-up for the interview, the participants were asked to briefly discuss what they like about teaching first-year students and what topics they usually deal with in class. The reason for this was to get a glimpse of their general attitude towards the course and the types of topics they like to incorporate in their lessons. All the participants claimed that they really like these first-year language practice lessons. One of the common reasons for loving the course was the fact that this is an introductory course, which can be regarded as a transition between secondary school and university life (as it is a similar course to secondary school language lessons, in the sense that the focus is on language development). As Kristóf put it, “it’s like a bridge between secondary school and university. […] it’s quite charming that the whole situation is new for them. They are looking for their place in it and I can help them in this” (T-SK/1). Iván pointed out the same idea: “it makes me so glad to contribute to that transformation they go through from being a high-schooler to being a university student” (T/SI-2). Ulrich called it a “gratifying experience” for the same reason:

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 013 2

In today’s world, there are increasing demands for education systems for empowering students to become active and responsible global citizens who are prepared to address the challenges of the 21st century and who are equipped with global competence. This book examines global competence development (GCD) in English language teaching in Hungary from the perspective of university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher trainers and secondary school EFL teachers. Based on the findings, it details the characteristics of globally competent teachers, offers a wide array of activities that can be used for nurturing global citizens, and outlines recommendations for the successful implementation of GCD in both secondary and tertiary education.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/diveki-developing-global-competence-in-the-hungarian-efl-classroom//

