Rita Divéki

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom

Being a Globally Competent Teacher

The participants were asked to enumerate the characteristics that make someone a globally competent teacher. First, many of the interviewees started to list the characteristics of global citizens, i.e., they should be open and tolerant (E, É, H, I, L, SZ), curious and well-informed (E, H, L). One of the features they highlighted was authenticity (Á, É, SZ). According to Szilveszter, for the teacher to “show their human side and vulnerability” can be one of the signs of authenticity (T/SZ-7). Nevertheless, a teacher does not need to seem so open as to become inauthentic, and if they think that a topic is too controversial or uncomfortable for them, they should not include it in their lessons because the students will immediately see it. Áron also believes that it is “unnecessary to force such issues” if the teacher does not feel comfortable with them. In Édua’s view, the teacher’s authenticity lies in the fact that they do not act differently from what they expect from the students; thus, for instance, when teaching about environmental matters, she should be the one setting an example for her students.

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 013 2

In today’s world, there are increasing demands for education systems for empowering students to become active and responsible global citizens who are prepared to address the challenges of the 21st century and who are equipped with global competence. This book examines global competence development (GCD) in English language teaching in Hungary from the perspective of university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher trainers and secondary school EFL teachers. Based on the findings, it details the characteristics of globally competent teachers, offers a wide array of activities that can be used for nurturing global citizens, and outlines recommendations for the successful implementation of GCD in both secondary and tertiary education.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/diveki-developing-global-competence-in-the-hungarian-efl-classroom//

