Dealing with Conflict in the Classroom

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The participants reported on taking radically different approaches to handling conflict in their classes, and their answers varied from completely avoiding the issue (É) to creating teachable moments out of them (A, B). Alma evoked a class, where one of her students got offended because she was made to work together with a student she did not want to: as a result, she asked everyone to write down something that made them feel hurt. Having written down their feelings, they could tear their slips apart depending on how hurt they felt, into two pieces if they “did not feel that much hurt and many pieces if they were extremely hurt” (T/FG-HS1-A-11). In this way, her students could let go of their grievances and work on their emotions in a memorable way. What became evident was that those who deal with conflict in their classes head-on either discuss the issue with the student alone, after class (J, Zs) or with the whole group (B, J, K, Zs). In Zsóka’s words,

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if someone hurts another student, I would stop the whole thing there and afterwards, I would sit down with those involved to talk it through. I don’t think that it concerns the whole group, or if so, then, I would stop there to discuss what may have provoked it and where it is coming from. Let’s talk it out… I wouldn’t sweep it under the rug… (T/FG-HS1-Zs-11)

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Lehel agreed that it is not worth avoiding conflicts and he also asserted that it is advisable to encourage students to show their emotions: as he saw it, students need to understand that “crying is a completely acceptable reaction, no one is going to judge them if they cry… because there are difficult topics, well… in my classes, there are only difficult topics… you CAN cry” (T/FG-HS1-L-10).

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Apart from encouraging the students to talk about their feelings, other teachers try to handle conflicts by clearing their own heads and by encouraging their students to calmly reflect on what happened. For example, Johanna claimed that first, she tries to understand where the problematic student is coming from and what their motives might be, and then, tries to slow down and meditate between the students so that they can step into the shoes of the agitated students and understand what their reasons were. Dorka handles problematic, heated discussions by sitting among the students and joining in their discussion so that she could calmly steer the conversation back on track.

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The teachers were asked to ponder what they would do if their students expressed racist or sexist views in their classes. Alma, Dorka, Édua, Johanna, Klaudia, Lehel, and Zsóka agreed that they would not let it pass, they would deal with the situation head-on. They enumerated different ways they would deal with the issue: they would try to steer the conversation further away from extreme views (Zs), they would ask questions from the student expressing extreme views (K), they would point at the language use (L), they would dissect the statement and help to put the assertion in a non-violent way (I, G), they would reflect on what happened and try to find where the violent language may be coming from (J, L) or they would let the other students react to these racist and sexist comments (D, L).
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