Appendix O Tables from the Questionnaire Study with University Teacher Trainers


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Table O1 The Components of Global Competence According to OECD and the Participating Tutors (N = 34)
OECD components
Tutors’ answers
Knowledge about environmental sustainability
Environmental knowledge/Knowledge about sustainable development (2)
Knowledge of global issues
Knowledge of global issues (8)
Knowledge of current affairs (11)
Intercultural knowledge
Sociocultural knowledge (2)
Knowledge about culture and intercultural relations
Knowledge of one’s own country (2)
Historical knowledge (6)
Cultural knowledge and awareness (9)
Knowledge of different religions (7)
Knowledge about socio-economic development and interdependence
Economical knowledge (2)
Geographical knowledge (2)
Knowledge about global institutions, conflicts, and human rights
Knowledge of human rights (2)
Political knowledge (4)
Knowledge of democracy/citizenship (4)
Language knowledge (11)
Self-knowledge (4)
Reasoning with information
Comprehending and analysing the news/current events (2)
Evaluating sources (3)
Critical thinking (10)
Critical literacy (2)
Staying informed about current events (2)
Research skills (3)
Digital skills (3)
Media/digital literacy (2)
Communicating effectively and respectfully
Communication (11)
Argumentation and debating skills (4)
Intercultural communicative competence (3)
Diplomatic conversational skills (2)
Perspective-taking (3)
Empathy (8)
Conflict management and resolution
Cooperation (2)
Conflict resolution skills (2)
Problem-solving (2)
Adaptability and flexibility (4)
Reflexivity (6)
Creativity (2)
Attitudes and Values
Openness towards people from different cultural backgrounds
Open-mindedness (10)
Openness to (different cultures) (13)
Curiosity (8)
Acceptance (3)
Tolerance (7)
Global mindedness
Values human dignity and diversity
Commitment to social justice and human rights (2)
Critical mindset (5)
Positivity (3)
Willingness to participate actively as a citizen (2)
Desire to stay informed (4)
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