Rita Divéki

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom

The State of GCED in EFL Teacher Training

As it was stated in the Magna Charta Universitatum (1988), the main aim of universities is to spread “knowledge among the younger generations” and also to “serve society as a whole” by investing in its “cultural, social and economic” future (para 1). Higher education also plays a key role in creating a more sustainable future (Mónus, 2020), as young people graduating from these institutions become intellectuals or even political, legal, or economic leaders of our society, who can more effectively affect change. As Mónus (2020) argues, the whole future of our society depends on what kind of education these graduates receive, whether they learn about the most important environmental and/or global issues humanity has to face and whether they will be motivated enough to look for responsible and sustainable solutions to solve these issues. Given the urgency to find solutions to environmental threats and social issues, it is worth focusing on and investing in greening universities (i.e., making campuses more sustainable and forming students’ green habits) and incorporating education for global responsibility in the curriculum, as they may contribute to a change of attitudes in university students in 3–5 years (Mónus, 2020). Even if there are some initiatives for incorporating sustainability-related topics into the curriculum and making universities more sustainable in Hungary, these endeavours are sporadic, and largely dependent on teachers’ beliefs and their own commitment to sustainability or global responsibility (Bourn et al., 2017; Mónus, 2020).

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 013 2

In today’s world, there are increasing demands for education systems for empowering students to become active and responsible global citizens who are prepared to address the challenges of the 21st century and who are equipped with global competence. This book examines global competence development (GCD) in English language teaching in Hungary from the perspective of university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher trainers and secondary school EFL teachers. Based on the findings, it details the characteristics of globally competent teachers, offers a wide array of activities that can be used for nurturing global citizens, and outlines recommendations for the successful implementation of GCD in both secondary and tertiary education.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/diveki-developing-global-competence-in-the-hungarian-efl-classroom//

