3.3.1. Participants and the Setting

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The aim of the first two sub-studies was to gather data using interviews to answer RQs 1 and 2 and to identify some emerging themes to help me design the large-scale questionnaire study. Therefore, I aimed to involve teachers in the studies coming from different teaching contexts and representing different age groups. In the two sub-studies, maximum variation sampling was used to ensure the greatest variety of participants. Apart from the exploration of the variety of responses, as Dörnyei (2007) suggests, the great benefit of this procedure is that it “underscores the commonalities” and in this way, any pattern the researcher finds might be assumed to be “reasonably stable” in the given population (p. 128). The following sub-sections present how the participants were chosen and their detailed profiles are presented in Table 3.1, Table 3.2, and Table 3.3.
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