The Pilot Study in the Secondary School Context

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Although it was a pilot study, the aim was to involve participants from as many different teaching contexts and age groups as possible. The questionnaire was distributed through several platforms: participants of the interview study were asked to send it to their colleagues (snowball sampling), and it was shared in three groups on a popular social media platform (Mi, angoltanárok, IATEFL-H Community and ELTE-English teachers 2012). Given that the questionnaire was distributed online, mostly the author’s EFL teacher acquaintances took part and the participants self-selected for the study, which resulted in an uneven distribution of teachers representing different teaching contexts.

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Altogether 58 participants filled in the questionnaire, who were all Hungarian EFL teachers, aged 24 to 60 (M = 41.86; SD = 10.25), with a mean of 17.2 years of teaching experience (SD = 10.14). Concerning their teaching context, 22 of them teach in a state-funded secondary grammar school, 10 in a religious secondary grammar school, 12 in a secondary technical school, six in a bilingual grammar school, six in a foundation school, and one in a secondary vocational school for special education.
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