The Pilot Study in the Secondary School Context
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Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!
- Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom
- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- List of Acronyms
- chevron_right1. Introduction
- chevron_right2. Review of the Literature
- chevron_right2.1. Theoretical Background
- 2.1.1. Quality Education in the 21st Century
- chevron_right2.1.2. Global Education
- chevron_right2.1.3. Global Education in the EFL Class
- chevron_right2.1.4. The Role of the Teacher in Implementing Global Education
- chevron_right2.1.5. The Methodology of Global Competence Development in the EFL Classroom
- The General Characteristics of the GCED Approach
- Creating the Suitable Atmosphere for Dealing with Challenging Topics
- Materials for Dealing with Global, Local, and Intercultural Issues
- Global Competence Development through Audio-Visual Materials
- Global Competence Development through Literary Texts
- Global Competence Development through Speaking Activities
- Global Competence Development through Experiential Learning Activities
- The General Characteristics of the GCED Approach
- 2.1.1. Quality Education in the 21st Century
- chevron_right2.2. Empirical Studies on Global Citizenship Education in English Language Teaching
- 2.2.1. Teachers’ Attitudes towards Dealing with Controversial Global Issues in the EFL Class
- 2.2.2. Students’ Attitudes towards Dealing with Controversial Global Issues in the EFL Class
- 2.2.3. Teachers’ Views on Global Citizenship Education in the EFL class
- chevron_right2.2.4. Good Practices of the Incorporation of the Global Perspective into the EFL Class
- Good Practices: Developing Students’ Global Competence through Audio-Visual Materials
- Good Practices: Developing Students’ Global Competence through Literary Texts
- Good Practices: Developing Students’ Global Competence through Speaking Activities
- Good Practices: Developing Students’ Global Competence through Experiential Learning Activities
- Good Practices: Developing Students’ Global Competence through Audio-Visual Materials
- 2.2.1. Teachers’ Attitudes towards Dealing with Controversial Global Issues in the EFL Class
- chevron_right2.3. Rationale for the Research Project
- chevron_right2.1. Theoretical Background
- chevron_right3. Research Design and Methods
- 3.1. Research Questions
- 3.2. Research Design
- chevron_right3.3. Studies 1 and 2 – The Interview Studies
- chevron_right3.3.1. Participants and the Setting
- chevron_right3.3.2. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
- 3.3.3. Quality Control
- chevron_right3.4. Studies 3 and 4 – The Questionnaire Studies
- chevron_right3.4.1. Participants and Setting
- chevron_right3.4.2. Data Collection and Analysis
- chevron_right3.5. Studies 5 and 6 – The Classroom Studies
- chevron_right3.5.1. Participants and Setting
- chevron_right3.5.2. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
- 3.5.3. Quality Control
- chevron_right3.6. Studies 7 and 8 – Focus Group Interview Studies
- chevron_right3.6.1. Participants and Setting
- chevron_right3.6.2. Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
- 3.6.3. Quality Control
- 3.7. The Limitations of the Research Project
- 3.8. Ethical Concerns
- 3.1. Research Questions
- chevron_right4. University Tutors’ Views and Practices Concerning GCD – Presentation of the Results from the University Context
- chevron_right4.1. Tutors’ Views on Global Competence Development
- chevron_right4.1.1. Results of the Interview Study
- 21 st-Century Expectations
- Being Globally Competent
- Global Competence Development in University Tutors’ Lessons
- Whose Responsibility is it to Develop Students’ Global Competence?
- Being a Globally Competent Teacher
- Global Competence Development in Teacher Education
- 21 st-Century Expectations
- chevron_right4.1.2. Results of the Questionnaire Study
- chevron_right4.1.1. Results of the Interview Study
- chevron_right4.2. Developing the Knowledge Component of Global Competence
- chevron_right4.3. Good Practices in Developing Students’ Global Competence
- chevron_right4.3.1. The Results of the Classroom Study
- Activities Based on Dear Future Generations
- Activities Based on From the Encyclopaedia of Alternative Facts
- Activities Based on Get Free
- Activities Based on Open Your World
- Activities Based on The Happy Broadcast
- Activities Based on What Makes a Good Life
- Activities Based on The Life Cycle of a T-Shirt
- Activities Based on Dear Future Generations
- chevron_right4.3.2. The Results of the Focus Group Interview Study
- The Optimal Environment in the Classroom
- Preparing for Challenging Discussions
- Managing Conflict in the Classroom
- Revealing One’s Opinion in the Classroom
- Activities Used for Developing Students’ Global Competence in University Lessons
- Students’ Attitudes towards Activities Aimed at Global Competence Development
- The Optimal Environment in the Classroom
- chevron_right4.3.1. The Results of the Classroom Study
- chevron_right4.1. Tutors’ Views on Global Competence Development
- chevron_right5. Secondary School Teachers’ Views and Practices Concerning GCD – Presentation of the Results from the Secondary School Context
- chevron_right5.1. Secondary School Teachers’ Views on Global Competence Development
- chevron_right5.1.1. Results of the Interview Study
- 21st-Century Expectations
- The Components of Global Competence
- Global Competence Development in the Participants’ EFL Lessons
- Whose Task is it to Develop Students’ Global Competence?
- Being a Globally Competent Teacher
- What Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers Need to Effectively Develop their Students’ Global Competence
- 21st-Century Expectations
- chevron_right5.1.2. Results of the Questionnaire Study
- chevron_right5.1.1. Results of the Interview Study
- chevron_right5.2. Developing the Knowledge Component of Global Competence
- chevron_right5.2.1. Results of the Interview Study
- Topics Teachers Like Dealing with in their Classes
- Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in Secondary School Teachers’ Classes
- Global, Local, and Intercultural Issues Secondary School Teachers Do Not Deal with in their Classes
- Secondary School Teachers’ Feelings about Dealing with Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in their Classes
- The Frequency of the Inclusion of Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in English Classes
- The Importance of Dealing with Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in English Classes
- Aspects Influencing the Inclusion of the Global Content in English Classes
- Topics Teachers Like Dealing with in their Classes
- chevron_right5.2.2. Results of the Questionnaire Study
- Topics Secondary School Teachers Deal with in their Classes
- Topics Secondary School Teachers Do Not Deal with in their Classes
- Secondary School Teachers’ Feelings in Connection with Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in their Classes
- The Frequency of the Inclusion of Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in Secondary School Classes
- The Importance of the Inclusion of Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in Secondary School Teachers’ EFL Classes
- Aspects Influencing the Inclusion of Global Content in Secondary EFL Classes
- Topics Secondary School Teachers Deal with in their Classes
- chevron_right5.2.1. Results of the Interview Study
- chevron_right5.3. Good Practices in Developing Students’ Global Competence
- chevron_right5.3.1. The Results of the Classroom Study
- Activities Based on Dear Future Generations
- Activities Based on From the Encyclopaedia of Alternative Facts
- Activities Based on Get Free
- Activities Based on High on Humans
- Activities Based on The Happy Broadcast
- Activities Based on What Makes a Good Life
- Activities Based on The Life Cycle of a T-shirt
- Activities Based on Dear Future Generations
- chevron_right5.3.2. The Results of the Focus Group Interview Study
- The Optimal Classroom Environment
- Preparing the Group for Challenging Discussions
- Fruitful Discussions about Challenging Issues
- Dealing with Conflict in the Classroom
- Revealing One’s Opinion in the Classroom
- Activities Used for Developing Students’ Global Competence in Secondary School English Lessons
- The Usefulness of the Activities Created for the Classroom Research Project
- Students’ Attitudes towards Dealing with Global, Local and Intercultural Issues in Class
- The Optimal Classroom Environment
- chevron_right5.3.1. The Results of the Classroom Study
- chevron_right5.1. Secondary School Teachers’ Views on Global Competence Development
- chevron_right6. Discussion of the Results
- chevron_right6.1. The Views of Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training on Developing Students’ Global Competence
- chevron_right6.1.1. What do Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Understand by Global Competence Development? (RQ1.1)
- chevron_right6.1.2. How do Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training View their Role in Developing Students’ Global Competence? (RQ1.2)
- 6.1.3. Summary of The Views of Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors Involved in Teacher Training about Global Competence Development
- chevron_right6.2. The Ways Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Develop the Knowledge Dimension of Global Competence in their Students
- chevron_right6.2.1. What Topics do Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Deal with for Global Competence Development? (RQ 2.1)
- chevron_right6.2.2. What Attitudes do Secondary School EFL Teachers and University EFL Teacher Trainers in Hungary Have Towards Dealing with Local, Global, and Intercultural Issues? (RQ 2.2)
- 6.2.3. What Influences Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary in Dealing with Local, Global, and Intercultural Issues? (RQ 2.3)
- 6.2.4. Summary of the Ways Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Develop the Knowledge Dimension of Global Competence in their Students
- chevron_right6.3. Good Practices in the Ways Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Develop their Students’ Global Competence in Practice
- 6.3.1. What Approach do Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Take when Dealing with Local, Global, and Intercultural Issues for Global Competence Development? (RQ 3.1)
- 6.3.2. How do Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Create a Safe Space for Doing Activities Aimed to Develop Global Competence? (RQ 3.2)
- 6.3.3. What Activity Types do Hungarian Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training Use to Develop their Students’ Global Competence? (RQ 3.3)
- 6.3.4. What Views do Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Hold on Activities Aimed to Develop Students’ Global Competence? (RQ 3.4)
- 6.3.5. What are the Students’ Views on Activities Aimed to Develop Global Competence? (RQ 3.5)
- 6.3.6. Summary of the Good Practices in the Ways Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Develop their Students’ Global Competence
- 6.3.1. What Approach do Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Take when Dealing with Local, Global, and Intercultural Issues for Global Competence Development? (RQ 3.1)
- chevron_right6.1. The Views of Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training on Developing Students’ Global Competence
- chevron_right7. Conclusion
- References
- chevron_rightAppendices
- Appendix A The Overview of the Research Design
- Appendix B Interview Guide for Teacher Trainers (Translated to English)
- Appendix C Interview Guide for Secondary School Teachers (Translated to English)
- Appendix D Call for Participation in the Questionnaire Study for Secondary School Teachers (Translated to English)
- chevron_rightAppendix E Calls for Participation in the Questionnaire Study Sent out to University Teacher Trainers
- Appendix F Questionnaire for Secondary School Teachers
- Appendix G Questionnaire – Global, Local, and Intercultural Issues in the EFL Class
- Appendix H Overview of the Activity Sequences Created for the Classroom Research Project
- Appendix I The Activity Sequences Used for the Classroom Study
- chevron_rightAppendix J Help Provided to the Participating Secondary School Teachers
- Appendix K Feedback Sheet for the Students
- Appendix L Focus Group Interview Guide for Teacher Trainers
- Appendix M Focus Group Interview Guide for Secondary School Teachers (Translated to English)
- Appendix N The Emerging Themes from the Interview Study with University Tutors Involved in Teacher Training
- Appendix O Tables from the Questionnaire Study with University Teacher Trainers
- chevron_rightAppendix P University Students’ Creations
- Appendix P1 Letters and Poems to Future Generations
- Appendix P2 Infographics from the Dear Future Generations Project
- Appendix P3 Open your world – How to bridge the political divide?
- Appendix P4 What makes a good life? – Students’ Interviews with their Elderly Relatives and Infographics on Loneliness among the Elderly in Hungary
- Appendix P5 Sustainability Projects Created for the Life Cycle of a T-shirt Lesson
- Appendix P1 Letters and Poems to Future Generations
- Appendix Q Emerging Themes from the Focus Group Interview with Teacher Trainers
- Appendix R The Emerging Themes from the Interview Study with Secondary School Teachers
- Appendix S Tables from the Results of the Questionnaire with Secondary School Teachers
- Appendix T Emerging Themes from the Focus Group Interviews with Secondary School Teachers
- Appendix U The Profile of a Globally Competent Teacher
- Appendix A The Overview of the Research Design
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