Study 8 – The Study with Secondary School Teachers

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Agreeing on a date with the secondary school teachers was even more challenging than in the previous case; however, using Doodle helped find suitable dates for everyone: 27th November and 8th December 2020. As originally intended, due to the location of the participants, the two interviews took place online, on Zoom. The interviews were recorded using the video recording function of Zoom and the audio recording function of the co-moderators’ smartphones. The language of the interviews was Hungarian, as this was the interviewees’ mother tongue. Before the interviews, the participants received an email with the details of the interview and about how data was going to be handled. They were asked for their consent for the interview to be recorded and they all consented in writing.

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The interview started with the introduction of the participants and to warm them up for the discussion, they were asked to say one word that came to their mind when they heard the word global competence. The interview consisted of four parts. The first three parts of the interview guide were the same as the one used with the teacher trainers: they were asked about how they create a safe space for their students to discuss controversial issues in class, what approach they take when it comes to discussing these controversial topics in class and what kind of activities they use for developing students’ global competence. The last part of the interview was the direct follow-up for the classroom study: they were asked to reflect on the activities they did in class and to deliberate whether these sorts of worksheets are useful to nurture students’ global competence. The English version of the interview guide can be found in Appendix M.

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The two interviews were transcribed right after the interviews using the freeware version of the online transcription tool, Happy Scribe. The transcribed version of the two approximately 1.5 hour-long interviews yielded a rich database of 50 pages or 23,300 words. The two co-moderators’ notes were also used to supplement the transcript. The initial coding of the data began in winter 2020, however, owing to time constraints, it was only finalised in summer 2021. The co-moderators also offered their valuable help as co-coders, so their codes were also compared to the researcher’s codes. The process continued with the second-level coding, during which the researcher aimed at identifying emerging patterns of data. Consequently, the emerging themes were collected and compiled into a table containing the themes, sub-themes and quotes supporting the themes from the transcript.
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