Being a Globally Competent Teacher

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The participants were asked to draw up the profile of a globally aware teacher. First, they mentioned characteristics of global citizens, such as tolerance, empathy, and being critical, but when asked about how it can be seen in the classroom, they gave more detailed answers. According to Ráhel, a globally competent teacher is someone willing to experience another culture or other cultures and immerse themselves in that culture. As an example, she mentioned living in a Black American community, in an LGBTQ+ community or working with Persian students. If they have experienced that, then whenever they talk about this topic, it comes naturally to them, so they can be authentic in their role. The tutors agreed that the fact that someone is a globally aware teacher is manifested in the atmosphere they create. As Magda saw it, if someone is globally competent, it is a background factor that permeates the whole atmosphere of the class: the students feel what the teacher’s worldview is even if she only communicates it in half sentences. She gave the following example: “They do not make racist comments… they don’t make fun of people… neither individuals nor groups of people” (T/SM-17). She went on by saying that a globally competent teacher is a humanist, they are tolerant of learners’ otherness and humorous in the sense that they can even treat difficult situations using humour.

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According to the participants, it can also be seen from what kind of topics they choose to discuss in their lessons and who they involve in this decision-making process. Kristóf and Iván both emphasised that the students should have a role in choosing the topics they want to discuss. In connection with this point, Kristóf underlined that globally competent teachers must be open and let students talk about topics that interest them, otherwise the dismissal of students’ interests as silliness could hurt the students deeply.

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The way they discuss important and/or controversial issues also matters. Ulrich commented that it is essential that teachers have a sort of meta-awareness. In his view, they have to be cautious about not becoming preachers, because “nobody likes to be preached at” (T/U-10). He points out that globally aware teachers must have a critical faculty and acknowledge that they do have power, but they should never misuse this power to force issues. He went on to say that he should teach issues that are important to him only if he thinks that they would also be useful for his students, but he should not address them to simply “feed [his] own little pet ego or cause” (T/U-10). Iván saw the danger of indoctrination similarly. In his view,

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of course, it is impossible to be completely objective, and whenever we ask something, our opinion is already in the question a bit, and we are not machines… but I think we need to draw the line between forcing our own opinion and expressing it… and as teachers, we have to watch consciously where this line is (T/SI-14).

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Both Ráhel and Kristóf mentioned that globally competent teachers involve their students in experiential learning activities and through teachable moments open their students’ eyes to the reality they live in. Ráhel explained it through the following example: an acquaintance was Skyping her from Iran during class and all her students (who have never really been outside their town) wanted to see her because “they don’t know how many heads she has” (T/SR-10). In her own words,

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and they see that she is wearing a hijab. And I explain to them what a hijab is…. and one of them says. “Oh hold it! We have Mari néni in town and she wears a kendő [scarf]! And when they can connect these things and the reasons, and when they realize that Mari néni’s hijab is not any different from Sajade’s hijab, then all of a sudden, I knew that I won the battle against the [scary image of the] immigrant.

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In summary, the participants believe that globally competent teachers are global citizens first. They also think that such teachers have specific characteristics which are visible in the classroom: they are authentic, they create a democratic and inclusive atmosphere, they involve their students in decision-making, and they are critical educators, who do not teach their students what to think but enable them to think. Finally, they bring critical topics into their classes and they involve their students in experiential learning.
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