DOI: 10.1556/9789636640835.4

Új világrend és klímapolitika: az interdependencia válsága?

Energiaválság és klímapolitika ellentmondásai az Európai Unió és a Kelet-Mediterráneum viszonyán keresztül

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Csicsmann László

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Abstract The aim of this paper1 is to present five areas in which climate change affects the discourses of international relations discipline: 1, state sovereignty; 2, perceptions of security; 3, energy security; 4, state reputation; and 5, state foreign policy decisions. While climate change played a minor role in international relations at the time of the emergence of the Westphalian international system, it has now moved significantly up the international political agenda. In the field of international relations, climate change is generally framed in three narratives: 1, threat multiplier; 2, the trade-off between economic growth and climate change; 3, as an ‘altered landscape’ that fundamentally affects the foreign policy objectives of the state.

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The paper aims to illustrate the above links by analyzing the contradictions between the objectives of the European Climate Deal and European policy over the gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean. The European Union’s foreign policy is both a normative actor and a realpolitical stakeholder. In many cases, the two are in conflict, as illustrated by the dichotomy between European rhetoric on climate protection (radical reduction of emissions, gradual decarbonization) and the ambition to build the EastMed pipeline. The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has a major impact on the issue of European energy security, with the direct consequence of the marginalization of climate protection as a priority.
1 Készült az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 azonosítószámú „Éghajlatváltozás Multidiszciplináris Nemzeti Laboratórium” elnevezésű projektben, a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében, az Európai Unió Helyreállítási és Ellenállóképességi Eszközének támogatásával.
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