DOI: 10.1556/9789636640835.1

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András Ferenc

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Abstract1 Philosophical literature calls Hume’s guillotine the position according to which “ought” cannot be deduced from “is”. Accompanying the perception of similar cases is the habit in a person, except that it is inside, not outside. Along the lines of Kant’s practical philosophy, we can conclude that the guillotine-like separation of “is” and “ought” is not only of great importance from Hume’s epistemological-ontological point of view, but also from an ethical point of view, but in the opposite direction. In other words, there is no direct path from the “is” to the world of “ought”. Two extremes emerge, between which the concept of the agent offers a middle way. On one side is Hume’s skepticism, which abolishes causality itself, on the other is the all-pervading ideal of the absolute, which means a deterministic structure that operates deductive practice. Between the two lies the uncaused cause that can be traced back to Kant’s theory, which is present in the empirical world with its effects and consequences, but in search of its driving force, one must leave its nomologically closed system.
1 Készült az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 azonosítószámú „Éghajlatváltozás Multidiszciplináris Nemzeti Laboratórium” elnevezésű projektben, a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében, az Európai Unió Helyreállítási és Ellenállóképességi Eszközének támogatásával.
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