DOI: 10.1556/9789636640835.6

Médiaszövegek hatása a Z-generáció klímaszorongására

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Herzog Csilla, Racsko Réka

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Abstract The central theme of the study1 is climate change anxiety, an emotion that affects the world’s population globally. As the planet’s increasingly frequent extreme weather events threaten our health, our way of life, our livelihoods and the future of our children, climate change is a rational emotion in this real-life situation. As the effects of climate change are felt across the planet, there is growing interest worldwide in exploring the emotions associated with the climate crisis. Researchers have begun to focus on climate anxiety and eco-aggression issues in the last few years, typically undertaking large-scale online attitude surveys of thousands of people.

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For our chosen topic, both national and international research findings (see e.g. Marks et al., 2021; ALTEO, 2021) show that fear, anxiety and inertia about climate change are strongest among members of Generation Z, i.e. young people now aged 13–27. They already see the climate crisis threatening their future as a fact and this feeling has a negative impact on their daily lives. In addition to a brief description of the results of relevant research, the paper presents a research design focusing on the impact of media texts on climate change.
1 Készült az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 azonosítószámú „Éghajlatváltozás Multidiszciplináris Nemzeti Laboratórium” elnevezésű projektben, a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében, az Európai Unió Helyreállítási és Ellenállóképességi Eszközének támogatásával.
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