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DOI: 10.1556/9789636640835.8

Ökomesék: didaxis és praxis

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Kopházi-Molnár Erzsébet

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

Abstract1 In our changing world, no one disputes the protection of the environment and the spread of a unified view is increasingly evident that we must learn it from a very young age, almost as a daily routine and have the younger generation learn it. However, environmental education is not new, in Hungary the first school decree dealing with it dates back to 1777, and the first kindergarten decree to 1891. Today, the concept has expanded to include the provision of knowledge and the development of skills, but teachers are often at a loss as to which tools to use to do this most effectively, because the pedagogical repertoire and the store of ideas is also expanding and the selection from it offers more and more opportunities. We know several methods that can be used to start environmental education from a very young age. In recent year, we find the education for environmental awareness within the framework of the subject of ethics, which mainly assumes oral conversation on the topic. The formation of environmental attitude in preschool age is helped by the fact that more and more books related to environmental awareness appear in bookstores, which fit into the world of children and whose language is specifically aimed at this age group. The following article undertakes to review systematically some of them, paying attention to what a good eco-story is like what it can be used for.
1 Készült az RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 azonosítószámú „Éghajlatváltozás Multidiszciplináris Nemzeti Laboratórium” elnevezésű projektben, a Széchenyi Terv Plusz program keretében, az Európai Unió Helyreállítási és Ellenállóképességi Eszközének támogatásával.
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