5.1.2. Changes in the structure of family support

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The Hungarian housing literature does not address changes in the structure of family support. Trends in highest-income countries point towards the disappearance of self-build after WWII and an increase of financial support and intergenerational co-residence in the recent decades. Hungarian housing research explored a similar trend with one important difference: labour support in house building declined only recently and was rather significant until the end of the 20th century. Financial support is expected to have accelerated after the regime change when the purchase of an owner-occupied dwelling instead of obtaining a public rental unit, or constructing one’s own housing became more common.

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H2: The structure of housing-related family support changed as formerly dominant forms of parental support, labour support in housing construction (H2a) had undergone a decrease at the end of the 20th century. Intergenerational co-residence (H2b) is expected to have increased since the 1970s. Financial support (H2c) has increased since the regime change at a high pace.
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