6.3.1. What Approach do Secondary School EFL Teachers and University Tutors in EFL Teacher Training in Hungary Take when Dealing with Local, Global, and Intercultural Issues for Global Competence Development? (RQ 3.1)

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The reason for inquiring into what approach tutors and teachers take when dealing with global content was that the fear of indoctrinating students by revealing one’s opinion is a recurrent theme in the literature (Bayraktar Balkir, 2021; Hess, 2004). The next two sections discuss the results of the focus interview studies with the four teacher trainers and 12 secondary school teachers, before some final conclusions and implications are presented.

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.! University Tutors’ Approaches to Discussing Controversial Global Content (Study 7) The four teacher trainers unanimously agreed that it is not a problem to share one’s views in class, but it is important to pay attention to how and when. They do not always share their opinion, but if so, they seem to be aware of the power dynamics: they stated that they have to be careful not to impose their views on their students because they know that if the teacher says something, it weighs more in the discussion. The approaches they take can be categorised as the balanced approach (Hess, 2004) or the impartial chairperson approach (Oxfam, 2018) or when they reveal their views at the end of the discussion, either as the privilege approach (Hess, 2004) or the advocate role (Oxfam, 2018). One of the emerging themes from the interview study was that when deciding to reveal one’s opinion about an issue, it is important to decide whether it is a value or a view one is forming an opinion about: if they want to safeguard a value in their group (e.g., diversity, respect), they are more vocal about it. For example, as they view it, in case of racist remarks or when human rights are threatened, one cannot remain neutral. This approach can be categorised as the privilege approach (Hess, 2004) or the committed approach (Oxfam, 2018) or in Bigelow and Peterson’s (2002) term, it is an instance of partisan teaching. The latter approach can be regarded as controversial, given that by adopting this stance, teachers teach towards one perspective, nevertheless, as Bigelow and Peterson (2002) and Noddings and Brooks (2017) argue, it is important to alert students to injustice and promote activism by modelling how to take a stand in social issues.

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The tutors were also asked about topics they would not reveal their opinions about. Even though at first, two of them could not mention any such topics, eventually they agreed that they would not necessarily share their opinion about topics they are not knowledgeable about and about politics. In their discussion, the tutors also touched upon the fact that they see politics as taboo and that avoiding politics as a discussion topic is “an inherently cultural issue” (Ulrich, T/FG-TT-16), just as it is posited by Hunyadi and Wessenauer (2016). The same ideas have been underscored by Studies 1 and 2, in which tutors and secondary school teachers also pointed at the taboo nature of politics and stated that they would rather avoid them in their lessons in order not to open a can of worms and upset the students. Therefore, the approach they take in connection with politics can be regarded as avoidance.

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.! Secondary School Teachers’ Approaches to Discussing Controversial Global Content (Study 8) The focus group interview study with the twelve secondary school teachers yielded similar results to the study with the teacher trainers. Most of the teachers tend to share their views with their students, nevertheless, they tend to do it in different ways. Many of them share because they find it hard to hide their opinion and because they believe that if they expect their students to share, they should also take a stance. In these cases, they either adopt the balanced (Hess, 2004) or impartial chairperson (Oxfam, 2018) approach, when they are endeavouring to present both sides of the argument, or the privilege (Hess, 2004) or committed (Oxfam, 2018) approach when they share their views. If the issue is important for them, they either take a committed or a declared interest approach (i.e., declaring their views to show that they are biased but trying to present the other sides of the argument as well) (Oxfam, 2018) or they may even take an academic or objective approach in order not to influence their students with their opinion. In some cases, when they aim to educate their students about an issue, e.g., a human rights matter, their approach can be identified as partisan teaching (Bigelow & Peterson, 2002). Other teachers though tend not to share their opinion about controversial issues, because in their opinion, what they think about the issue is not important. This is an example of the academic or objective approach (Oxfam, 2018), which is considered the safest since the teacher cannot be accused of indoctrinating the students.

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When asked what topics they would not reveal their opinion about, first, many participants said that there were no such topics. Nevertheless, as the discussion unfolded, they agreed that they would not like to take a stand on political issues and they would not reveal much about their personal life or gossip about their colleagues. Similar to the teacher trainers, the teachers also agreed that politics is a hot button topic and even if it is important to talk about such matters, they would rather not. As one of the reasons, they asserted that they are afraid of influencing the students in any way and possibly being accused of having hidden political motives. Consequently, their stance on politics can be considered as avoidance.

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.! Conclusion and Implications As can be seen from the results of the two focus group interview studies (Studies 7 and 8), tutors and teachers adopt various approaches to discussing controversial matters. These approaches also depend on their aim with the discussions: if they aim to educate, they take a committed (or even partisan) approach, but if they are encouraging their students to explore issues and different viewpoints, they mostly take a balanced or objective approach. Both tutors and teachers tend to avoid discussing political matters in their classes, mainly because they are very controversial and dealing with political issues in school is frowned upon by Hungarian society.

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All the roles enumerated by both university tutors and secondary school teachers are suitable in the classroom, nevertheless, teachers need to vary them consciously in order not to impose their views on their students. The implications are first and foremost for teacher training: as there are many different approaches to dealing with controversial content, it would be advisable to show them to teacher trainees in practice and train them in choosing the most suitable approaches for their discussions. Moreover, even if teachers do not like dealing with political affairs in school, young people who are becoming eligible to vote in some months or years may need some guidance in understanding what is happening in their immediate surroundings. Therefore, it would be paramount to deal with politics in school without touching on party politics or without trying to convince people which party to support, so that students gain an understanding of how the political system works and why it is important to be active citizens. Thus, it would be beneficial to teach trainees how to lead discussions where students can explore complex issues and different viewpoints in a safe space, without championing any views. To this end, during their teacher training years, trainees should acquire personal competencies (e.g., being aware of their own beliefs and values, self-reflection), theoretical competencies (e.g., understanding how controversy arises) and practical competencies (e.g., using a wide range of teaching roles, presenting issues fairly) (Council of Europe, 2016). Moreover, in secondary schools, it would be ideal to set up working teams who could discuss effective ways of incorporating politics into the curriculum, e.g., in the form of projects and other experiential learning activities. Working on these issues together with other teachers could help in-service teachers examine their own biases and beliefs and develop them in their roles of globally competent teachers (Goodwin, 2019). Moreover, teachers could feel safer addressing political matters by consciously incorporating them, and by complying with the guidelines developed with other teachers, this approach could also save them from the charge of indoctrination.
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