Appendix R The Emerging Themes from the Interview Study with Secondary School Teachers

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Table R1 Teachers’ Views on Global Competence Development
Global Competence Development in School Teachers’ Lessons
Discussing global issues using thought-provoking videos or readings (Á, B, L)
Discussing global issues using engaging materials (students’ interests) (E, É)
Creating an optimal environment and using activities which encourage that students take a stand (E, L, T)
Presentations (Á, H, K, L, SZ)
Student-centred techniques (everyone)
Responsibility to Develop Students’ Global Competence
Everyone’s task (everyone)
Easier for language teachers (B, K, SZ)
Language Teacher or Educator?
Educator (everyone)
Profile of a Globally Competent Teacher
Open and tolerant (E, É, H, I, L, SZ)
Curious and well-informed (E, H, L)
Authenticity (Á, É, SZ)
Rapport (I, L, T)
Positive and democratic atmosphere (E, É)
Bring controversial issues into class (Á, B, K)
Elaborates on topics the students bring up (Á, I, K, T)
Developing as Global Citizens
Following the news (Á, B, É, H, L, T)
Reading a lot (Á, H, I, SZ, T)
Interpersonal relationships (Á, L, SZ)
Professional development (H, I, K)
Teachers’ Needs
Time (B, H, L, SZ)
Money (Á, B, H)
Professional development (Á, B, E, É, I, T)
Developing school resources (E, K)

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Table R2 Developing the Knowledge Component of Global Competence
Teaching English
Freedom (I, SZ, T)
Talking to the students (Á, H, I, T)
Getting to know the students (Á, H)
Teaching a motivating subject (E, É, I)
Opening students’ eyes (Á, É)
Using pop-culture (E, L)
Topics Teachers Love Dealing with
Interesting (E, I)
Leisure, entertainment, arts, music, culture (B, E, H, I, L, T)
Controversial and provocative topics (SZ, T)
Topics of local interest (E, Á)
Topics of global interest (É, I)
The environment participants (E, É, I, L)
Topics Teachers Do NOT Like Dealing with
Like dealing with almost everything (Á, É, I)
Sports (SZ, T)
Food (Á, B)
Politics (E, T)
Global Issues
Environmental matters (Á, B, E, É, H, I, SZ, T)
Democracy, elections, the EU (B, H, I)
Internet safety, digital pollution, fake news (I, H, T)
Local Issues
Local events and programmes (H, L)
Local sights and buildings (H, SZ)
Local issues (E, K, L)
Political matters (Á, B)
Intercultural Issues
Other cultures and religions (B, É, H, L)
Gender roles (I, SZ)
Topics Teachers Do Not Include
No taboos (Á, B, E, É, H, I, L, SZ)
Politics (E, I, SZ, T)
Sex (E, K, SZ)
Feelings in connection with Teaching Global Content
A lot of preparation (Á, E, H, I)
Being up-to-date all the time (Á, SZ)
Looking forward to those lessons (E, É, L)
Being afraid at first (H, L)
Personally important (Á, É, SZ)
Frequency of the Inclusion of Global Content
Once a month (Á, E, SZ)
Not consciously (SZ, T)
Importance of Dealing with Issues of Global Significance
Relevant in their students’ life (B, E, L, T)
Students do not read the news (K, SZ)
Encountering different viewpoints (E, K, L)
Background Variables Influencing the Inclusion of Global Content
Time (Á, H, I, SZ, T)
Teacher’s energy level (Á, T)
Coursebook (É, K, L, SZ)
Teacher’s competence (Á, H)
Teacher knowledge (I, T)
Students’ interests (E, I, L, SZ)
Students’ sensitivities (L, T)
Relationship with the group, group dynamics (E, T)
Topicality of the issues (B, É, L, SZ)
Language proficiency (H, I, K)
Maintainer’s demands (B, E)
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