Rita Divéki

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom

Appendix S Tables from the Results of the Questionnaire with Secondary School Teachers

Table S1 The Components of Global Competence According to OECD and the Participating Secondary School Teachers (N = 182)
OECD components
Secondary School Teachers’ answers
Knowledge about environmental sustainability
Sustainability (3)
Natural sciences (8)
Ecological knowledge (18)
Knowledge of global issues
Knowledge of global challenges (18)
Knowledge of local and global issues (10)
Intercultural knowledge
Intercultural knowledge (14)
Knowledge about culture and intercultural relations
Historical knowledge (18)
Knowledge of literature (2)
Cultural knowledge (37)
Knowledge about socio-economic development and interdependence
Geographical knowledge (11)
Economic knowledge (15)
Sociological knowledge (34)
Understanding global-economic links (2)
Understanding global causes and effects (3)
Knowledge about global institutions, conflicts, and human rights
Knowledge of legal systems (3)
Human rights (6)
Politics (29)
Citizenship (2)
Psychological knowledge (2)
General knowledge (12)
Self-knowledge (2)
Well-informedness (32)
Reasoning with information
Ability to choose and compare information (2)
Reading comprehension (7)
ICT (21)
Media literacy (2)
Critical thinking (30)
Logical thinking (5)
Source criticism (5)
Rational decision making (11)
Communicating effectively and respectfully
Communication (28)
Being able to have effective interactions (2)
Argumentation (17)
Intercultural skills (4)
Cooperation (17)
Foreign language skills (52)
Perspective taking
Social sensitivity (3)
Attentiveness (2)
Empathy (62)
Emotional intelligence (3)
Conflict management and resolution
Conflict management (3)
Creativity (7)
Problem solving (11)
Assertiveness (9)
Taking the initiative (2)
Flexibility (4)
Adaptability (20)
Attitudes and Values
Openness towards people from different cultural backgrounds
Openness towards different cultures (2)
Open-mindedness (85)
Tolerance (32)
Curiosity (40)
Acceptance (85)
Respect (3)
Global mindedness
Global mindedness (3)
Green attitude (7)
Values human dignity and diversity
Caring about collective well-being (6)
Altruism (5)
Benevolence (2)
Responsibility (9)
Being pro-active (5)
Well-grounded moral values (3)
Optimism (8)
Mindfulness (2)
Motivation (2)
LLL (7)
Table S2 The Characteristics of a Globally Competent Teacher as Seen by the Respondents of the Questionnaire Study
Global citizen (3)
Empathy (20)
Flexibility (9)
Adaptability (3)
Sensitivity (5)
Taking a stand in an objective manner (2)
Argumentation skills (2)
Good communication skills (6)
Responsible critical thinking (3)
Perspective-taking (7)
Problem-solving (2)
Analysing information (4)
Assertiveness (2)
Conflict management (2)
Creativity (2)
LLL (4)
Openness (84)
Open-mindedness (7)
Readiness to sensitize the students (2)
Readiness to debate and enter discussions (4)
Critical mindset (4)
Curiosity (19)
Acceptance (36)
Tolerance (36)
Versatility (3)
Authenticity (2)
Commitment to social justice (2)
Free of judgement (4)
Being unbiased/objective (4)
Positivity/Optimism (3)
Being committed and responsible (2)
Having the desire to learn (2)
(Content) knowledge
Well-informed (42)
Well-read (3)
Knowledge about the most important social issues (2)
Pedagogical content knowledge
Moderating discussions (4)
Making everyone feel safe (2)
Showing the importance of their subject (3)
Pointing to the relevance of global matters (2)
Capturing students’ interests (3)
Choosing topics based on students’ interests (2)
Being a facilitator (2)
Encouraging students to think autonomously (3)
Encouraging the students to think in systems (2)
Sensitizing the students (2)
Developing students’ global competence (2)
Being a role model for students (5)

Developing Global Competence in the Hungarian EFL Classroom


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 013 2

In today’s world, there are increasing demands for education systems for empowering students to become active and responsible global citizens who are prepared to address the challenges of the 21st century and who are equipped with global competence. This book examines global competence development (GCD) in English language teaching in Hungary from the perspective of university English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher trainers and secondary school EFL teachers. Based on the findings, it details the characteristics of globally competent teachers, offers a wide array of activities that can be used for nurturing global citizens, and outlines recommendations for the successful implementation of GCD in both secondary and tertiary education.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/diveki-developing-global-competence-in-the-hungarian-efl-classroom//

