Study 1 – The Main Study in the University Context

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The validated interview guide was used to gather data for RQ1 and RQ2. The interviews took place face to face or online, depending on the place of residence of the participants: in the case of the participants from Budapest, they took place in the tutors’ offices, and in the case of the participants from the countryside, they took place online, using video conferencing tools (Skype, Zoom and Google Meet), between March 2019 and October 2020. The languages of the interviews were Hungarian and English, as in one case the interviewee and the interviewer did not share the same native language and in one case, the participant felt more comfortable using English. The interviews lasted between 58 and 87 minutes and they were audio-recorded with two mobile devices and the recording function of the video conferencing platforms after the participants’ consent was obtained.

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During the interviews, first, the tutors had to think about their first-year language development courses in general: they were first asked to share what they enjoy the most about teaching these courses and then, they were asked how they design these courses. In the next block, they had to enumerate the topics they usually like and dislike dealing with in general and then, they were asked to focus on what global, local, and intercultural topics they like to and would not like to deal with in their courses. Also, in this section, they had to talk about whether they have any taboo topics in their lessons. The next part of the interview aimed to reveal their attitudes towards dealing with the global content in their classes, so the tutors were asked about their feelings in connection with dealing with such topics, the frequency of their inclusion and the importance they attribute to dealing with such issues in class. Then, in order to reveal what influences their decision to bring global, local and intercultural issues to class, they were asked what they take into consideration when selecting the topics to include and what might prevent them from bringing specific issues to class. In the second part of the interview, the tutors were asked to briefly define what knowledge, skills, and attitudes they believe make someone successful in the 21st century. Then, they were invited to enumerate the components of global competence, to ponder the importance of global competence development, whether they think they are globally competent, and whether they consider themselves as global citizens. They also had to draw up the profile of a global teacher and were asked to think about their role and whether they consider themselves to be educators or language teachers. Finally, they were asked about how they see the role of GCD in EFL teacher training.

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The interviews were then transcribed using the online transcription tool, Happy Scribe, and subjected to the same procedure as described above in Section The findings of this study relating to the global content in tutors’ language development classes were published in the Journal of Adult Learning and Innovation in 2022 (Divéki, 2022a).
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