3.4.1. Research Questions

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  • Study4RQ1. In what ways do Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes think that technology is present in all walks of life and what advantages and disadvantages they attach to this phenomenon?
  • Study4RQ2. Where does the interest of technology and the ICT knowledge of Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes originate from?
  • Study4RQ3. What are the expert thinking processes behind skilful technology integration of Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes?
  • Study4RQ4. In what ways do Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes integrate ICT into their teaching practices?
  • Study4RQ5. In what ways is special attention paid to ICT inclusion into the education of future EFL teachers by Hungarian university instructors teaching in EFL teacher education programmes?
  • Study4RQ6. In what ways did the spring and autumn 2020 Covid-19-triggered emergency remote teaching periods affect the ICT use and skills of Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes?
  • Study4RQ7. In what ways do Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes perceive educational technology will develop in the future?
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