4. Results and Discussion

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This chapter presents and discusses the results of the four main studies of this research project. The outcomes are detailed and interpreted in five sections, the first four dedicated to each study. Second level headings follow the studies using the short reference names of the studies from the previous chapter:

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  • 4.1 The learners’ questionnaire study;
  • 4.2 The instructors’ questionnaire study;
  • 4.3 The learners’ interview study;
  • 4.4 The instructors’ interview study.

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The results of the pilot and the main questionnaire studies are discussed separately using third level headings (e.g., 4.1.1 The pilot study; 4.1.2 The main study) and the results are presented and discussed under fourth level headings. Sometimes the presentation and the discussion of the results answering multiple research questions are included in one subsection, especially when answering the research questions required the same method of data analysis (e.g., descriptive statistics of multiple scales), therefore subsection titles always refer to the relevant research question(s), e.g., Willingness and Ability to use ICT devices (Pilot1RQs 2-3).

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The results of the interviews studies are presented and discussed research question by research question (e.g., 4.3.2 The sources of the learners’ interest in technology and ICT knowledge (Study3RQ2); Discussion) to explicitly divide the perceptions of the participants and the discussion of the data. The interviews were conducted in Hungarian (with one instructor interview as an exception); therefore, the quotes are all my translations. In the interview data, whenever an online tool or website is referenced for the first time, its web address is given in brackets. Finally, a fifth section (4.5 Discussion of synthesised findings) discusses the synthesised findings of the four main studies with reflection to the most interesting outcomes that can be explained by the combination of individual studies.
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