Cristian Réka Mónika, Kérchy Anna (eds)

Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education II

Beauty and Self-Expression in Daily Exercise and the Art of Motion

During the Hungarian Commune, József Madzsar filled a government post as undersecretary for welfare. His wife, Jászi, was offered a job heading the College of Physical Education. She declined the offer but did accept to teach classes in physiotherapy. After the fall of the Commune, Madzsar was brought to court but his wife was not charged. Having served a brief prison sentence, Madzsar fled to Vienna and did not return until 1924. From 1920, the populous household on Ménesi Road was supported by income from Jászi’s institute, whose periodic conflict with the authorities resulted in lower enrollment, jeopardizing the family’s livelihood. The year 1935 found them preparing to emigrate to the Soviet Union, but Jászi’s deteriorating health thwarted the journey. The tribulations took a toll on Jászi and she died in August that year, of heart failure. Madzsar himself emigrated to Moscow in 1936, only to disappear in 1938. He probably died in the Gulags.

Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education II


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2023

ISBN: 978 963 454 927 7

In this sequel to the first volume of Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education published in 2022, editors Réka M. Cristian and Anna Kérchy present the portraits of twenty-two prominent Hungarian women scholars, scientists and educators who made pioneering contributions to Hungary’s scientific achievement over the centuries. Some of the women introduced in the sixteen chapters come from traditional disciplines such as pharmacy, medicine, historiography, engineering, mathematics, archeology, psychology, and philosophy, while others furthered on fields not necessarily viewed, especially at the time, as science or scholarship proper, but which are nonetheless deeply intellectual, such as physical, special needs, reform, or music education, feminism, and historic preservation. The book offers a bird’s eye view summary of the accomplishments reached and challenges faced by these exceptional Hungarian female academics and intellectuals.


