Cristian Réka Mónika, Kérchy Anna (eds)

Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education II

Margit Varró’s Legacy

Varró might be considered a pioneer in the teaching method that she called “the auditive approach.” This method features the development of the listening ability, especially at the very first steps of the lessons. Similar to how children acquire their mother tongue through their ears before they learn letters, Varró gave all the musical instructions to her pupils through their ears so that they should first grasp the essence of the music. After they learned the basics—for instance, correctly singing back the melody they had listened to, they were introduced to the musical symbols. Such an approach should not, however, be regarded as entirely new. The idea itself had already existed in the middle of the 19th century, and, among others, Sándor Kovács also applied essentially the same method under a different name, the “acoustic approach.” Varró can still be considered a pioneer in that she did not offer her method as an invented yet still not thoroughly tested theory but tried it out with her pupils for years and forwarded her experience to other teachers.

Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education II


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2023

ISBN: 978 963 454 927 7

In this sequel to the first volume of Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education published in 2022, editors Réka M. Cristian and Anna Kérchy present the portraits of twenty-two prominent Hungarian women scholars, scientists and educators who made pioneering contributions to Hungary’s scientific achievement over the centuries. Some of the women introduced in the sixteen chapters come from traditional disciplines such as pharmacy, medicine, historiography, engineering, mathematics, archeology, psychology, and philosophy, while others furthered on fields not necessarily viewed, especially at the time, as science or scholarship proper, but which are nonetheless deeply intellectual, such as physical, special needs, reform, or music education, feminism, and historic preservation. The book offers a bird’s eye view summary of the accomplishments reached and challenges faced by these exceptional Hungarian female academics and intellectuals.


