2.2.2. Teachers’ Technological Knowledge Frameworks and Models

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In his oft-cited work on the individual elements of teacher knowledge, Shulman (1986) proposed a theory that sees the core knowledge of teachers to centre around three focal points: 1) content knowledge, 2) pedagogical knowledge, and 3) pedagogical content knowledge. The first element, content knowledge stands for having expert knowledge on the content of the subject(s) one teaches. The second, pedagogical knowledge entails one’s knowledge of teaching methodology, and pedagogical content knowledge emerges as the combination of the two, when a teacher is able to combine methodological knowledge to teach their specific subject effectively in a way that it supports and facilitates learning (Shulman, 1986, p. 8). Additionally, Shulman (1986) remarked that the teacher has to convey their subject matter into explanations and activities that prove to be effective to support learning; thus, this very blend of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge should receive much attention.

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Building on Shulman’s (1986) theory of teacher knowledge, the Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework was introduced by Mishra and Koehler (2006). The authors proposed seven major knowledge components that together ensure meaningful and professionally grounded technology inclusive instruction in education. Similar to Shulman (1986), Koehler and colleagues (2014) argued that all of the individual knowledge components are in constant interaction with each other, illustrated by Figure 1. These components (Koehler et al., 2014) and their interpretations are as follows (Chai et al., 2011):

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  1. content knowledge (CK): knowing the content of the specific subject(s) one teaches such as mathematics, foreign languages, or history (originates from Shulman, 1986);
  2. pedagogical knowledge (PK): knowing about how to plan a lesson, manage learners and handle pedagogical challenges such as heterogeneous learning groups (originates from Shulman, 1986);
  3. technological knowledge (TK): knowing how to use a computer or other digital devices and the programs or applications that run on them;
  4. technological content knowledge (TCK): knowing how to find or create content to illustrate what is being taught such as creating a presentation or finding a demonstration video;
  5. pedagogical content knowledge (PCK): knowing the teaching methods required to teach one’s specific subject(s) so that they best facilitate learning, such as how to teach mathematical formulas or vocabulary learning methods (originates from Shulman, 1986);
  6. technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK): knowing how to facilitate learning or implement lessons using technology such as using learning management software;
  7. technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): knowing how to implement lessons and facilitate learning by selecting the most appropriate technology for the very purposes of teaching one’s specific subject.

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Figure 1 Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Note. Based on Mishra & Koehler (2006).

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Thus, the TPACK framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), building on Shulman’s (1986) original theory of the building blocks of teacher knowledge, fits well into the sociocultural approach (Vygotsky, 1978) and the argument that technology is an extension of learning and teaching possibilities. It also means that technology in teaching and learning processes should not be looked at in isolation (Lim, 2002; McDougall & Jones, 2006; Sutherland et al., 2004). Another important implication of this argument is the fact that studies conducted into the field of technology inclusion should use complex and good-quality data collection instruments (McDougall & Jones, 2006) and explain how ICT inclusion facilitates teaching, learning, meaning-making, etc. within the given educational context.

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While the TPACK framework is considered to be the most frequently used conceptualisation of the elements of teachers’ technological and techno-pedagogical knowledge (Tondeur et al., 2021) and how these knowledge components relate to their subject and methodological knowledge, several other adaptation models had been put forward. Perhaps the reason for this is that while technology integration is context-sensitive, the TPACK framework tries to offer a generally applicable model for teachers’ technology-related knowledge. In their interview study conducted into the usefulness of the TPACK model in redesigning teacher education programmes, McGrath and colleagues (2011) found that the elements of the model gave sufficient grounds for stakeholders to update their programmes, but there was a need to define each element of the TPACK framework respective of the individual subdisciplines. Thus, while the theoretical model seems to be adaptable, there is a need to make it context specific whenever it is applied as a measurement tool, for example as questionnaire constructs (see, e.g., Schmidt et al., 2009).

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Another model of systematising teachers’ technological knowledge is the educational extension of the DigComp framework (EU, 2016) called DigCompEdu (Redecker, 2017a; 2017b). This model sees teachers’ technological knowledge as a progression of the individual’s digital competences beginning with openness and curiosity towards learning about new digital technologies. For this reason, DigCompEdu (Redecker, 2017a; 2017b) offers a categorisation of teachers’ technological achievements similar to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages on a knowledge scale from A1 to C2 specifying the efforts to be taken to reach the next level. The knowledge levels are labelled as follows (Redecker, 2017a, p. 1):

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  • A1: newcomers, motivated by awareness, progress is possible through curiosity and willingness;
  • A2: explorers, can progress through meaningful use and variation;
  • B1: integrators, can progress through strategy and diversification;
  • B2: experts, can progress through reflection and sharing;
  • C1: leaders, can progress through critique and renewal;
  • C2: pioneers, who serve as motivators and innovators for novice teachers.

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The comprehensive model encompasses of three sub-domains: 1) educators’ professional competences, 2) educators’ pedagogic competences, and 3) learners’ competences as detailed in Figure 2. The framework offers and applies descriptors to detail the competence levels in each subdomain from levels A1 to C2 (Redecker, 2017b), which suggests that teachers can master different elements of the model on different levels. This, however, also means that apart from self-categorisation thorough well-detailed descriptors, a standardised measurement instrument is not attached to the model to help teachers determine their technological knowledge levels. While the extent to which teachers can objectively position their technological knowledge through can-do statement is questionable, the model effectively reflects the spatiotemporal sensitivity of integration as well as how technology is the extension of teachers’ existing pedagogical knowledge.

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Figure 2 Synthesis of the DigCompEdu Framework
Note. Redecker (2017b, p. 19).

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The literature, however, does not necessarily turn to specific models to assess or describe teachers’ existing or desired technological knowledge. As opposed to applying the TPACK or the DigCompEdu frameworks, it is also frequent to use or adapt one of the many general technology acceptance models (originating from Davis, 1989) to assess the basic attitudes and familiarity of individuals towards technology. Another frequent solution is to design locally adaptable models relating to specific educational contexts (Tondeur et al., 2021). Tondeur and colleagues (2021) developed a set of assessment criteria and reviewed three technology integration models, the 1) Will, skill, tool, and pedagogy, 2) Synthesis of qualitative data, and the 3) Four in balance models and concluded that each of these modules shared fundamental similarities; all of them were set up of several subdomains of knowledge and were sensitive to the sociocultural aspects of integration. It was also concluded that adaptation models centred around teaching, teachers, and the teaching context, while there are not any generic or widely adapted models on the learners’ end of the spectrum (Tondeur et al., 2021). Consequently, a learner-centred model as widely applicable as the TPACK model has not yet been proposed.

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As technology inclusion is context-specific, it is perhaps not surprising that all-encompassing integrational models are lacking, and the most widely used one, TPACK, is seen as a hybrid of theory and generalisation of practice (Tondeur et al., 2021). Adaptations of the TPACK model in empirical research allows for treating each subdomain as a separate component of teachers’ knowledge (see, e.g., Schmidt et al., 2009), but the model is impossible to be adapted universally. While the need for such an applicable framework surfaces time after time, perhaps understanding the theoretical underpinnings of ICT integration into education explains why such a model might not be desirable. The field of educational technology; thus, often relies on the TPACK framework when it discusses teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge.
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