2.4.1. Necessary Changes Prompted by Curricula Reforms
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Válaszd ki a számodra megfelelő hivatkozásformátumot:
Fekete Imre (2023): Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó.
https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 Letöltve: https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p1 (2025. 02. 01.)
Fekete Imre. 2023. Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p1)
Fekete I. (2023). Technology in English teaching. Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706. (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p1)
As a starting point, educational policy and the texts of national curricula could well outline what kind of a vision a country holds concerning technology integration into education (see 2.3), but without certain operational components, these visions will not be met (Kozma, 2008). These components (based on Kozma, 2008, pp. 1089–1091) regard:
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Válaszd ki a számodra megfelelő hivatkozásformátumot:
Fekete Imre (2023): Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó.
https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 Letöltve: https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p2 (2025. 02. 01.)
Fekete Imre. 2023. Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p2)
Fekete I. (2023). Technology in English teaching. Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706. (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p2)
- infrastructure: investing in or allocating some budget for buying the necessary equipment, which can range from basic (e.g., radios, TVs) to high-tech technological equipment on school or even on the individual level (e.g., for teachers, learners);
- Sometimes, infrastructural development can happen in cooperation with private companies, such as Apple, Google, IBM, or Microsoft, who provide the necessary equipment and user training (partially or even completely) and oversee that the equipment remains operational and up to date. However, it should be avoided that technology use in classrooms be entirely connected to the systems developed by the sponsor companies, resulting in arbitrary use.
- teacher training: support teachers by specific training programmes that meet their needs following certain competences to be mastered (which can range from the very operational levels of technology to proficient competences); however, as discussed earlier, competence development does not necessarily result in competency development;
- technical support: it is encouraged that trainings be followed by continuing technical support should teachers or institutions face unforeseen challenges with technology inclusion;
- pedagogical and curricular change: mainly concerning teacher education and training programmes, pedagogical practices should shift from factual-based to problem-based education that also requires technology inclusion and utilisation in finding the solutions to the problems – this should be implemented by national curriculum change;
- content development: it is important that technology-inclusive task, unit and/or subject databases are compiled, and that teachers’ materials are developed and shared across individual institutions as well as collaborations are facilitated (e.g., by creating official databases).
Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!
Válaszd ki a számodra megfelelő hivatkozásformátumot:
Fekete Imre (2023): Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó.
https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 Letöltve: https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p4 (2025. 02. 01.)
Fekete Imre. 2023. Technology in English teaching. : Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706 (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p4)
Fekete I. (2023). Technology in English teaching. Akadémiai Kiadó. https://doi.org/10.1556/9789634548706. (Letöltve: 2025. 02. 01. https://mersz.hu/dokumentum/m1030tiet__20/#m1030tiet_f2_4_1_p4)
However, national-level investment does not automatically manifest in change either in the classroom practices or in teacher education and training (Ham & Cha, 2008; Kozma, 2008; Tondeur et al., 2007a). Change on this large a scale is a slow process (Pelgrum & Anderson, 2001; Voogt & Pelgrum, 2005); therefore, empirical research should be advocated (and financed) and their conclusions should also inform further refinements to innovative, ICT inclusive curricula and policy reforms (Kozma, 2008).