Péter Gárdos

Transfer of Contract in Hungarian Law

Legal Concerns and Inconsistencies in the Judicial Practice

The Lászlófi–Leszkoven proposal

Lászlófi and Leszkoven, in their study entitled Reflections on the Legal Nature of Contract Assignment1 , point out that “[...] the approach of contract assignment as a combination of assignment and assumption of debt is not doctrinally tenable, because it is only a superficial simplification of the process of legal succession in the contractual position and the structure and legal nature of the contract (obligation)”.2 The authors, following Grosschmid’s approach, start from the premise that the obligation does not merely oblige the obligor to perform the service arising from the obligation; it also produces a number of other effects, in particular the legal consequences of nonperformance and the reflexive effects, which Grosschmid defines as effects “[...] which would not have occurred if the obligation had not arisen”.3 In the authors’ view, therefore, the contractual position cannot be the subject of a transfer; “the “change of position” cannot be solely within the power of the transferor”.4

Transfer of Contract in Hungarian Law


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 059 0

Péter Gárdos’s book delves into the realm of contract transfer within the context of the Hungarian Civil Code. With a keen eye on legal evolution, Gárdos traces the genesis of the Code's provisions, revealing surprising complexities that emerged despite prior court recognition of the transfer of contract practices. In response to ensuing uncertainties, the legislator enacted revisions and supplementary regulations, which paradoxically engendered further ambiguity.

Gárdos's comprehensive analysis navigates through this legal landscape, offering invaluable insights into the legislative rationale behind the Hungarian Civil Code and subsequent developments in legislation and case law. Building on the laws of various European countries and international instruments, the author not only interprets existing laws but also ventures into comparative studies across various European jurisdictions, enriching the discourse on contract law harmonization.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/gardos-transfer-of-contract-in-hungarian-law//

