János Tóth, Domokos Esztergár-Kiss

Smart City

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

Recent technological advances in low power integrated circuits and wireless communications have made available efficient, low cost, low power miniature devices for use in remote sensing applications. The combination of these factors has improved the viability of utilizing a sensor network consisting of a large number of intelligent sensors, enabling the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of valuable information, gathered in a variety of environments. Active RFID is nearly the same as the lower end WSN nodes with limited processing capability and storage. The scientific challenges that must be overcome in order to realize the enormous potential of WSNs are substantial and multidisciplinary in nature. Sensor data are shared among sensor nodes and sent to a distributed or centralized system for analytics. The components that make up the WSN monitoring network include:

Smart City


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2019

ISBN: 978 963 454 271 1

This course material is included in the BME Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering Master programme. The main topics of Smart City course are the followings: Paradigm shift in urban citizen’s life, Smart city introduction, definitions and evaluation methods, Land use functions and models, city planning and strategic aspects, Utilization possibilities of information from social media, Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks and Smart Grid applications, Intermodal connections with their functionalities in the Smart City, Smart solutions in transportation management, Hungarian and international best practices.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/toth-esztergar-kiss-smart-city//

