Ágnes Albert

Stories students tell

Creativity and oral narrative task performance of English majors in Hungary

Task characteristics affecting the difficulty of tasks

In an early attempt to establish task difficulty, Brown et al. (1984) relied on a number of empirical studies on the basis of which they proposed two dimensions. The first is concerned with (a) the degree of difficulty as manifested in the information type: here they proceed from static through dynamic to abstract tasks. The other dimension (b) also indicates degrees of difficulty, but this time with regard to the scale of task and the interrelationship between elements. It implies that the greater the number of elements a task involves the more difficult it is, and it further suggests that the nature of the relationships between the elements also contributes to task difficulty. In fact, both of the dimensions put forward by Brown and his colleagues can be interpreted within an information processing framework, as more abstract information as well as the greater number of elements to be processed are believed to impose a greater processing load. Since their model only addresses cognitive aspects of task difficulty, it is somewhat limited in scope.

Stories students tell


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 669 6

This monograph presents research conducted in connection with the relationships between individual difference variables, like creativity and language aptitude, and the oral narrative task performance of first year English major university students. Changes in language instruction that involve greater reliance on learners' creativity imply that researching creativity as a potentially important individual variable should be imminent. The prominence of tasks in the classroom and in tests suggests that tasks and their decisive features leading to differences in task performance should also be investigated. The findings of the monograph contribute to a deeper understanding of how different individual differences contribute to oral narrative task performance on the one hand, and on the other, they shed light on the differential effects of task complexity. Therefore, the monograph might be of interest for researchers, course book writers and practising teachers alike.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/albert-stories-students-tell//

