Melinda Jászberényi (ed.)

Cultural, creative and culinary tourism

The revival of science and transport museums. International examples

The attention towards technological, social, and scientific questions in science rapidly developing, surrounding, and determining our everyday life, does not only grow in the news or online but can be clearly detected in the number of visitors to museums that are open to science related themes. The increase in visitors’ number has lasted for two decades now to historical and natural science museums. According to Benedek Varga, the former director-general of the Hungarian National Museum: based on the surveys he examined, the proportion was generally 75 to 25 per cent to the advantage of art and design museums in the middle of the 90s, but that proportion has been balanced by today at 50 to 50 per cent; moreover, it was 45 to 55 to the advantage of natural science and history museums in the UK in 2014 (Varga 2017).

Cultural, creative and culinary tourism


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2022

ISBN: 978 963 454 798 3

Cultural tourism and creative tourism are the most dynamically expanding areas of the tourism sector. In the theoretical chapter we review the definition of the two trends, the characteristics of the demand and supply side and clarify the concept of a cultural tourism product. We overview the development strategies that have defined the global museum market in recent decades and discuss the role of museums in the revitalization efforts of cities. You can also get a deeper insight in the operation of colourful science and transport museums. Afterwards, culinary tourism chapters examine consumer behaviour in food tourism and its link to social media which is followed by an overview on the supply side, a new typology of attractions in culinary tourism.


