Melinda Jászberényi (ed.)

Cultural, creative and culinary tourism

Destination food image

Destination food image is more complex than a single perception, but more a complex concept where beliefs and affective responses to a specific product form in consumers’ minds. It has a number of inherent characteristics or dimensions, including product attributes and consumer benefits (Szakály– Sziva 2021). Destination image is the sum of beliefs, ideas, and impressions individuals have of attributes and/or activities available at a destination. The cognitive component of image has been defined as an individual’s evaluation of the attributes of a product and the sum of beliefs or knowledge about a product, primarily focusing on tangible physical attributes. The affective image component, on the other hand, represents feelings. Cognitive and affective components are both part of a destination’s image. Brand image incorporates subjective feelings or associations formed through various attributes of a brand or service, so if destinations have an adequate level of positive attributes, visitors should develop favourable attitudes (Seo–Yun–Kim 2017).

Cultural, creative and culinary tourism


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2022

ISBN: 978 963 454 798 3

Cultural tourism and creative tourism are the most dynamically expanding areas of the tourism sector. In the theoretical chapter we review the definition of the two trends, the characteristics of the demand and supply side and clarify the concept of a cultural tourism product. We overview the development strategies that have defined the global museum market in recent decades and discuss the role of museums in the revitalization efforts of cities. You can also get a deeper insight in the operation of colourful science and transport museums. Afterwards, culinary tourism chapters examine consumer behaviour in food tourism and its link to social media which is followed by an overview on the supply side, a new typology of attractions in culinary tourism.


