2.1.3. Digital Competences vs. Competencies

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It is important to distinguish between what is understood by digital competence and competency, as the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably although their meanings are different. Thus far, illustrated by DigComp (EU, 2015; 2016), digital competences were discussed which concern the factors that enable a person to do an activity well (Davies & Ellison, 1997). That is, competences concern the building blocks of ICT literacy, the various dimensions that – if developed – result in development. This development; however, is not necessarily comprehensive (i.e., affects each individual building block) or linear. For example, Digital content creation competence development is not necessarily preceded by Communication and collaboration competence development.

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Competency concerns all “the underlying characteristics which allow a person to perform well in a variety of situations” (Davies & Ellison, 1997, p. 36). In this respect, competence reflects ability, and competency reflects performance, always in relation to the spatiotemporal context of when and where an act is being performed. Using the analogy of language competence and performance, digital competence is something that allows the individual to do a task well, and digital competency is the actual performance of the individual situated in the specific context. As with language performance and competence, it is often complex to account for why a highly competent individual is unable to perform well (display competence through competency) in a particular teaching-learning situation. As Davies and Ellison (1997) put it, competence is reductionist and has a sociological focus, while competency is holistic and has a psychological focus.
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