2.1.4. Synonymous Terms

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The terminology surrounding ICT literacy has been seen as a continuum (EU, 2016; ICTLP, 2007; Vuorikari et al., 2016) and many synonymous terms have been coined that describe fundamentally the same concepts. The thesaurus that follows offers a summary of the definitions found in the discourse from the field of education that are also used in this book synonymously:

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  • ICT (e.g., in learning, in teaching) = technology (e.g., in learning, in teaching)
  • ICT devices = ICT tools = technological devices = digital devices = digital tools
  • ICT integration = ICT inclusion = technology integration = technology inclusion = technologization = computer assisted (language) learning (CALL)
  • ICT literacy = digital literacy = (information) technology literacy
  • digital competences = dimensions of ICT use = dimensions of (information) technology use = ICT skills = digital skills = technology skills = technological skills
  • digital competency = ICT competency = (information) technology competency

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Compiling a collection of synonymous expressions was necessary for two reasons. The first reason concerns the broader context of ICT research: establishing the thesaurus made it easier to collect and compare studies conducted to the same subfield of technology research to survey a broader selection of the corresponding professional discourse. The second reason, which is more limited to the purposes of this book, allows for using these terms interchangeably when discussing them in the text.
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