4.2.3. Conclusions of the Instructors’ Main Questionnaire Study

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In this study involving 71 university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL Teacher Education programmes, as well as some instructing ESP classes, participants expressed that using technology is an advantage and a basic life skill in the 21st century. It was also discovered that invested time and an awareness of the constantly evolving nature of technology are linked to usage (Bayne & Ross, 2011; Drent & Meelissen, 2008; Mossberger et al., 2008). These results echo the literature in saying that a positive attitude and invested time predict educational use of technology and that technological knowledge and techno-pedagogical knowledge are two separate knowledge domains (Chai et al., 2011; Koehler et al., 2014; Mishra & Koehler, 2006).

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Nevertheless, it should not be claimed that teachers with less than 20 years of experience feel more confident with educational technology because they are generationally connected to it. It is true that ICT inclusion is mainly prompted by positive beliefs and devoted time, in which younger teachers have the advantage as technology had been part of all walks of their lives growing up, socialising, and learning, nevertheless, anyone with the necessary set of beliefs and invested time could become digital citizens, regardless of their age (Korlat et al., 2021; Morgan et al., 2021). Thus, while there is a significant difference, it would rather take changing mindsets through providing experimental opportunities than age itself to nurture and support teachers in digitalising their educational practices.

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Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, as the technological knowledge of the participants developed, they perceived that teaching became less of a burden, which resulted in more teachers experimenting more with synchronous online teaching possibilities. While educational practices because of the pandemic had to change towards entirely relying on technology as an instructional modality, the pandemic might have contributed to raising awareness of the importance of instructors’ techno-pedagogical skills, and the fact that these skills need to be constantly developed through invested time; thus, instructors optimally are subjected to lifelong learning regarding technology too. These are the notions that should mostly be prioritised and supported by stakeholders, policymakers, and institutions because technology is an extension of learning and teaching possibilities (Lim, 2002; McDougall & Jones, 2006; Sutherland et al., 2004).
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