Sára Till, Péter Csizmadia, Richárd Wéber

Fluid Flow Systems

Bernoulli equation, energy law for fluids

The line integral of the Euler equation is the Bernoulli equation. Assuming a potential force field, and steady-state flow without any heat transfer and hydraulic losses, the energy of the fluid does not change along a streamline. With these assumptions, for incompressible fluids (), we get the simplified form of the equation, which is commonly used in engineering practice:

Fluid Flow Systems


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 044 6

This university textbook is the joint work of the colleagues of the Department of Hydrodynamic Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Its main aim is to help students deepen their knowledge of the subject Fluid Flow Systems. It also provides a brief historical overview and a basic introduction to fluid mechanics. It discusses each chapter in varying degrees of detail based on the course material. At the end of each chapter, check questions guide students in their learning.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/till-csizmadia-weber-fluid-flow-systems//

