Károly Pintér

Introduction to Britain

State Schools and Final Exams

For a long time, schooling was compulsory for eleven years in England, for all children between age 5 and 16, but in 2013, the school-leaving age was increased to 17, and from 2015, to 18 years. The compulsory period is divided into a primary and secondary stage. The primary cycle lasts from age 5 to 11, and takes 6 years to complete. Children enter infant school first and spend two years there. It is slightly similar to the last years of a Hungarian ‘óvoda’ in the sense that there is little formal education: children are getting used to the community and the school environment. English children start school so early primarily because there is no nationwide system of nursery schools in England. In 1990, only about 60% of children attended nursery school at the age of 4, which was the worst figure in the EU. As a result, many mothers cannot return to work until their child enters school.

Introduction to Britain


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 262 9

This book attempts to establish a basic knowledge of British politics, society and culture among its readers. It is aimed primarily at students, and is intended to enrich their knowledge of the English language with an understanding of the history and key features of this society.

The book systematically explores Britain. Beginning with its geography, it divides the United Kingdom into its overarching countries- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland- and explores the main regions, as well as political, social and linguistic background of each. This is followed by outlines of politics, the legal system, as well as education, healthcare and religion in the UK as a whole.

This book is distinguished by its scope; intended for a Hungarian audience and written through the lens of Hungarian culture, with so called Think of Hungary First sections at the beginning of chapters to compare historical and societal developments to those that have taken place here, and allow readers to better understand these. There are also lists of Key Concepts at the end of chapters, and explanations of these which also promote the reader’s understanding.

Thus, this book is a comprehensive and systematic guide, introducing Hungarian students to Britain’s history, culture and people.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/pinter-introduction-to-britain//

