Tamás Tettamanti, Tamás Luspay, István Varga

Road Traffic Modeling and Simulation


Asymptotic stability

The system is now ready to be simulated by the command lsim, however delayed representations must have zero initial condition, i.e. zero cruising speed for all vehicles. Since the system is linear, we can simply remove from the input profile and add back to the output after simulation. We intend to investigate various configuration, therefore it is more convenient to create a MATLAB function, which constructs the vehicle platoon. For this, the input of the function should be the desired sensitivity and reaction time and the number of vehicles to be interconnected. This is implemented by the following function platoon.m:

Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2019

ISBN: 978 963 454 295 7

On the one hand, the workbook serves the English Master Program of Autonomous Vehicle Control Engineer at the Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The exercises provide basic tutorial training supporting the course of Road Traffic Modeling and Control. On the other hand, the traffic modeling and simulation basics given in this book also lay the groundwork for practical and theoretical contributions in the field of intelligent traffic systems and traffic control.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/tettamanti-luspay-varga-road-traffic-modeling-and-simulation//

