Lecture Notes on Control Theory
1.1.3. Typical control types
- Set point tracking control: maintain a given parameter/feature on a given set point while the environment changes, e.g. car cruise control, air conditioner, etc.
- Reference tracking control: continually track a time varying signal (reference), e.g. moving a robotic arm on a given way, robot-assisted surgery, etc.
- Compensation of disturbance (also called as disturbance rejection): minimize the effect of disturbances, e.g. minimizing the vibration inside a car.
- Copyright page
- Lecture 1. Introduction to control theory and time domain analysis
- Lecture 2. Frequency domain analysis
- Lecture 3. Frequency domain, Bode stability, performance properties
- Lecture 4. An application of PID control: Cruise Control
- Lecture 5. Introduction of state-space theory, SISO examples
- Lecture 6. Stability, Controllability, Observability
- Lecture 7. Full state feedback control
- Lecture 8. Linear Quadratic (LQ) control
- Lecture 9. Practicing
- Bibliography
Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó
Online megjelenés éve: 2019
ISBN: 978 963 454 336 7
Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/tamas-qiong-lecture-notes-on-control-theory//