Dávid Smid

Toward an Understanding of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Hungary

The Past Dimension of Pre-Service English Teacher Identity

The first overarching theme emerging from the collected autobiographical narratives was labeled the past dimension of pre-service English teacher identity. It entails those experiences of the participants that led them to enroll in the pre-service English teacher education program, and, as such, the initial formation of their intention to be an English teacher. Typically, episodes pertaining to the learning/use of the English language were mentioned. In addition, more than half of the sample members regarded their contact with teachers to be defining. As Table 6 exhibits, the cited past events could further be distinguished according to four categories.

Toward an Understanding of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Hungary


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2022

ISBN: 978 963 454 818 8

In this monograph, the findings of a mixed-methods, multi-perspective empirical study targeting the motivation of Hungarian pre-service English teachers are presented and discussed. When it comes to the Hungarian context, the importance of the topic is indicated by issues, such as the ongoing workforce shortage in the public education sector and the latest reforming of the initial teacher education system. The present investigation sheds light on the complexity of Hungarian pre-service English teachers’ motivation, which was found to be a bipartite construct interrelated with cognitive, emotional, and social processes. It also offers insights into the motivating capacity of the undivided pre-service English teacher education program as well as the extent to which the initial teacher education system is effective with respect to its student recruitment policy. As such, this monograph might be beneficial to researchers, university instructors, mentor teachers, and educational policymakers alike.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/smid-toward-an-understanding-of-pre-service-english-teachers-motivation-the-case-of-hungary//

